is the news site and community exclusively for pilots around the world.
For the past three years, our mission has been to curate daily news, job offers and informative videos. What started as a small idea over breakfast has become an institution within the pilot community.
We would like to continue to strengthen the international pilot community, be the platform that keeps pilots in touch and up to date. We want to ensure pilot safety obtains the publicity it deserves. Some of you, the members of, are already a part of the editorial team. We build on your knowledge and expertise to publish your ideas and opinions. We are convinced, by investing in, you also invest in the pilot community worldwide.
Moreover, we believe a community open to everyone, benefits everyone. Instead of creating barriers and restricting access to paying members, we would like to share the financial burden upon us, the company behind, and those of you who can afford to sustain the community.
To secure the future of, we need your help.That's why we're asking you today to support on a regular basis.
Who supports us now ...- makes it possible that continues to exist
- will be highlighted in the member list as a supporter
- optionally receive our daily summary or instant notifications by e-mail - filtered by your favourite topics if you wish
- can post content for discussion exclusively on the new "Marine-Pilots Board”
To become a supporting member now, just click here.
Thank you in advance for your support