
Pilot Ladder Simulator

published on 17 May 2022 119 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "Maritime Innovation Center". Originally published on 2022-05-16.
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Video Delaware River Pilot Boat Transfers Pilot to Moving Ship

published on 28 May 2022

Delaware River Pilot Boat Transfers Pilot to Moving Ship - Delaware River - Philadelphia - May, 8, 2022


Video Training Ship Golden Bear Pilot Disembarking

published on 17 January 2022

SF Pilot leaving the TSGB on Cruise 2021 - Enroute to Hawaii.


Article Pilot on the bridge

by Gard AS - published on 14 October 2021

A good working relationship with the pilot, effective Master Pilot Information Exchange at the start of the pilotage followed by well performing Bridge Resource Management during the pilotage passage, are important factors in a successful pilotage.


Video Pilot Boat

published on 26 January 2021

Petugas Pandu Pelabuhan Benoa Bali


Article Study: Understanding the systemic influences on maritime pilot decision-making

published on 19 April 2023

This article describes the findings from two studies that utilised an integrated systems thinking framework to understand how pilots make decisions and what factors are perceived to influence their decisions.


Video Piloting car carrier "Felicity Ace", from Brixham Pilot Station (2022 RIP)

published on 30 March 2022

Mission ended well and disembarked on 13/12/2021. She didn't. Weekes later she caught major fire and sank South of the Azores in the Atlantic Ocean. Fortunately, the crew abandoned the ship and no casualties were reported.


Video The historical Bristol Channel Pilot Cutter - Part 1

published on 1 September 2020

Many consider the Bristol Channel pilot cutter to be the finest sailing boat design ever. Fast, seaworthy and beautiful to behold, the pilot cutter is the perfect combination of form and function - a thoroughbred perfectly adapted to a life in one of the Britain's most treacherous stretches of water. Sailor and writer Tom Cunliffe explores the life of the pilots and sails a perfectly restored cutter to find out just what drove these men and their wonderful machines.


Article Rosmorport’s icebreakers completed over 2,400 pilotage operations

published on 20 January 2021 freezing seaports of Russia this season. In total, FSUE "Rosmorport" operates in 15 freezing seaports of the country.


Article #dangerousladders - Using social media to improve pilot transfer safety.

by Kevin Vallance deep sea pilot and author - published on 12 December 2019

It remains a sad fact that accidents and near misses continue to occur during pilot transfers with frightening regularity. Most of these fortunately do not result in injury, and a surprisingly high number of them are not even recognised for what they are.

Surveys into pilot ladder safety consistently reveal that unacceptably high numbers of pilot transfer arrangements are not compliant with the regulations.