Pilot vacancies around the globe
Note: Marine-Pilots.com is only a mediator of job vacancies. We do not hire!
Job offers:
If your pilot organisation or company would like to hire marine pilots and and offers a career, please send your request to jobs@marine-pilots.com. A six-week advertisement costs EUR 300.
Applicants for a job offer: please send your documents directly to the provider of the respective position.
Job applicants:
At the moment we are not accepting application documents for publication as the respective section is being reworked. Of course, applicants are still encouraged to take a look at the job openings presented here.
Marine Coastal Pilot
Torres Pilots Pty Ltd - published yesterday
Cairns & Far North, Mackay QLD, Australia
Marine Pilot
Flinders Ports Pty Limited - published on 4 December 2024
Ceduna, Whyalla & Eyre Peninsula SA, Australia