
Singapore to introduce real-time tanker cargo tracking

published on 3 May 2021 36 -

Text and photo by PSA Marine

Annually at the Port of Singapore, an estimated 48,000 liquid bulk tanker movements are observed and key stakeholders rely heavily on labour-intensive monitoring of transactions. The process can now be made much more efficient as LqB will provide users with a customised dashboard to allow real time tracking capabilities for greater visibility, predictability and productivity.

Mr Jimmy Koh, Head of Digital Transformation and Chief Pilot of PSA Marine, said, “Singapore is one of the world’s largest refineries and oil storage hubs, and we are glad that PSA Marine’s Liquid Bulk module will increase workflow efficiency and improve connectivity for the liquid bulk logistics chain community. We are also delighted to garner support from major industry players in our digitalisation journey, including ExxonMobil and Vopak, as their valuable feedback was incorporated into Liquid Bulk module.”

“ExxonMobil is proud to have collaborated with PSA Marine on successfully piloting the Liquid Bulk module at our marine terminals, and doing our part to help improve maritime logistics efficiency in Singapore. This is also part of our continued drive to use digital solutions to enhance productivity in our manufacturing operations, and grow the digital skills of our workforce,” said ExxonMobil Asia Pacific, Singapore Refinery Process Division Manager, Neo Ee-Ee.

"By partnering PSA Marine in this pilot trial, Vopak continues to advance in the use of new technologies and innovation. We fully support the development of digital platforms such as ONEHANDSHAKE™ in order to further improve vessel turnaround time at our jetties and in turn, optimise the port calls of our customers. We would like to encourage terminals and agents to be on board to ensure maximum value for the port community," said Mr Edwin Ebrahimi, Innovation Engagement Leader of Vopak Terminals Singapore Pte Ltd, the world’s leading independent tank storage company.

With the introduction of LqB, PSA Marine continues to work closely alongside the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (“MPA”) in its efforts to strengthen connectivity and inter-linkages within the sea transport sector, under MPA’s Sea Transport Industry Transformation Map.

PSA Marine’s ONEHANDSHAKE™ digital platform is designed to share information on port activities with a network of maritime stakeholders. The company is committed to using digital technology and working alongside stakeholders to offer sustainable and innovative solutions.

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