
Radio Sweden: Shortage of maritime pilots causing delays

published on 1 August 2022 905 -

Picture by Radio Sweden. Credit: Emil Östlund/Sveriges Radio

A shortage of maritime pilots, sailors that steer ships in difficult passages, is at times causing major delays for shipping on Sweden's inland lakes and waterways, such as Vänern, Mälaren and Göta Älv, Swedish Radio News reports.

When a ship needs piloting, the Swedish Maritime Administration can meet the request on time in 94 percent of cases nationally, but in the Vänern area, which includes the Göta Älv river, the corresponding figure was 79 percent last year and the same during the first quarter of this year.

Many maritime pilots are retiring at the moment and they are difficult to replace, Swedish Radio News reports.

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2nd class marine pilot Abdolreza Sharifi Persian Gulf Pilot Maritime Services Co., Iran
on 7 September 2022, 12:19 UTC

Interested for marine pilot role,any chance?

Mr Johanis Bartholomius Mitakda Indonesian Maritime Pilots Association - INAMPA, Indonesia
on 14 August 2022, 13:02 UTC

I do interest

Captain - Marine pilot Kaan Tuncer Uzmar Pilot, Turkey
on 8 August 2022, 20:52 UTC

Many ports in need of a qualified and licenced pilots, still many of us struggling to get a job due to visa non-avialability.

Myoungsu Back South Korea
on 4 August 2022, 13:53 UTC

Let me training there! Any possibility for other than Swedish?


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