Location: Hilton Antwerp
Location: Hilton Antwerp
Article Serious injury to pilot on class 2 vessel in poor weather conditions
by Australian Maritime Safety Authority - published on 2 December 2021
Article Because of Corona Embargo? Navy boat rams German cruise liner off Venezuela - and sinks
by Marine-Pilots.com - published on 3 April 2020
Video Safehaven Marine Interceptor 48 pilot boat for the Gdynia Pilots in Poland
published on 6 July 2020
Video In respect of the vessel: Stellar Banner Scuttled Off Brazil
published on 15 June 2020
Notice by the Editor of Marine-Pilots.com: "The sight of a sinking ship should always make us humble because it helps us to realize how small man is compared to the thousands of tons of steel a ship is made of - and how pale we are in comparison to the great power of the sea. Ships may have a soul, as they have names as well... Their end therefore should make us sad. There´s no fun or joy in watching this.” The vessel was refloated earlier this month following the removal of approximately...
Article Updated Marine Safety Information by U.S. Coast Guard
published on 6 November 2020
U.S. Coastgard has published an update of their Recommendation for Pilot Transfer Arrangements in latest Marine Safety Information Bulletins (MSIB).
"Recent deaths of maritime pilots while embarking commercial vessels highlight the risks of operating in an
unforgiving maritime environment. To ensure the safety of all personnel boarding a vessel at sea, the Coast
Guard reminds vessel owners and operators of the requirements contained in the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Chapter V, Regulation 23 and strongly recommends that owners and operators follow the recommendations within IMO Resolution A.1045(27) – Pilot Transfer Arrangements. "
Video Harbor Pilots - They park big ships. This is how.
published on 30 September 2022
Video ROBUST PILOT BOATS of Netherlands and Belgium
published on 15 April 2020
These are some of the reliable sturdy Pilot boats of Netherlands and Belgium to bring and pick up Marine Pilots to and from commercial merchant vessels either inbound or outbound. The Marine Pilots are licensed PROFESSIONALS who have a thorough knowledge of a certain port and they guide the Master/Captain of commercial ships in and out of the foreign Seaport. Location: Steenbank Pilot Station, Flushing/Vlissingen Pilot Station, Wandelaar Pilot Station. Boats in order of appearance in this...
Article More details and an analysis of the Ever Given accident
published on 6 October 2021
Video Bulk Carrier Ship "SBI ZEUS" /Pilot Vessel "CATAMARÁN ANTARES" #ZonaComún #RioDeLaPlata / "VIVALDI"
published on 14 August 2020
Bulk Carrier Ship "SBI ZEUS" / On board Pilot Vessel "CATAMARÁN ANTARES" #ZonaComún #ZonaComúnAnchorageArea #RioDeLaPlata #Argentine #Summer #Vivaldi #TheFourSeasons #MariSamuelsen Buque de Transporte a Granel "SBI ZEUS" / A bordo de la Lancha de Prácticos "CATAMARÁN ANTARES" - Zona Común - Fodeadero Zona Común, Río de La Plata #Argentina This video was filmed on board Pilot Vessel "CATAMARÁN ANTARES" and shows the moments when the Pilot Boat proceeded to the #BoardingStation #ZonaComún...