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Marine Pilot - Kuwait

published on 30 August 2022 549 -

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eget ante tristique, finibus tortor et, posuere quam. Duis purus risus, pharetra nec lacinia ut, vehicula et nisl. Etiam a ornare est. Mauris sit amet nisl vitae eros ornare fringilla. Donec ut vulputate nibh. Sed luctus auctor dui, non iaculis elit fringilla in. Duis quis magna tempor elit tristique sagittis ut in turpis. Mauris quis orci interdum, dictum erat nec, gravida nisi. Suspendisse vel lorem arcu.

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Article Vacancy: Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

by - published on 11 July 2020

According to a post of Paulo Ekkebus on LinkedIn (10th July 2020): "The Pacific Pilotage Authority Canada is looking for a CFO. Great opportunity for an individual to join an amazing company."


Article What is a Maritime Pilot? From "Crossing the Bar, The Adventures of a San Francisco Bay Bar Pilot" by Captain Paul Lobo

by Capt. Paul Lobo - published on 22 September 2020

Chapter 3 from the book "Crossing the Bar, The Adventures of a San Francisco Bay Bar Pilot" by Captain Paul Lobo, available on Amazon (link below)


Video ONE EAGLE ULCS coming in to Europoort

published on 1 October 2020

The 366 m long ultra large container ship ONE EAGLE entered Europoort at deep draft , backing into the Amazonehaven. She finally berthed to ECT DDE terminal, before partially discharging her cargo.


Video Virtual Reality Marine Pilot Transfer Training Demo

published on 4 July 2020

Short demonstration highlighting key features of the VR Marine Pilot training simulation LWA Solutions have delivered for the Ports of Auckland.
Editors Note (4th July 2020):
This video shows the fantastic possibilities of virtual reality technology. Wonderful demo by Ports of Auckland. In respect for doing this amazing experiment. If somebody knows more about this or other interesting similar projects please leave a comment below and help us to complete information about virtual reality...


Video Parking my Ship / Mombasa Kenya / Berthing Process

published on 6 August 2021

In this video we are trying to show how a ship enters into Mombasa port through a canal and the procedure of berthing.


Video Cork Pilot disembarking

published on 8 September 2021

#storm #tides #ocean #sea #dangerous #training #navy #badweather #stormy #weather #cargo #ship #ships #boat


Article Coast Guard assists distressed cargo ship off San Juan, Puerto Rico

by - published on 3 August 2020

Coast Guard air and surface rescue crews at Sector San Juan responded and assisted the distressed M/V Island Express Wednesday afternoon, after the ship started taking on water when it departed the Port of San Juan for storm avoidance in anticipation of Tropical Cyclone 9.


Article Obituary Capt. Andrew Holton Stegen (87) - Crescent River Port Pilots

by - published on 25 October 2020

October 24, 1932 ~ October 22, 2020 (age 87). Member of Crescent River Port Pilots’ Association, serving as a river pilot for 34 years.


Video Animation: Weener bridge newbuilding

published on 22 October 2021

Animation: arvico auf Grundlage der 3D-Modellierung pb+ Ingenieurgruppe AG arvico architecture-visualization-construction Bremer Medienhaus Schwachhauser Heerstr. 78 28209 Bremen


Video Embarking the pilot at the Port of Açu in rough weather

published on 20 May 2022

Embarque mais cedo hoje no Porto do Açu (RJ). Prático Diogo Weber.
#Praticagem #ZP15 #PraticagemDoBrasil #NaoPara #24h #EficienciaNosPortos