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SE Alaska Pilots' are holding an entrance exam next spring

published on 28 October 2022 546 -

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Video Entry Mangalia Shipyard

published on 13 April 2022

Manouvring of entry in Mangalia Shipyard in dry -Dock.


Video S-102 Bathymetric Surface Product for a Safe Passage

published on 13 July 2020

Specialized training for maritime pilots
Quebec City, Quebec, Canada – June 23, 2020 – The Maritime Simulation and Resource Centre (MSRC), a world-class pilot simulation training and port feasibility studies facility, is pleased to announce the release of an informational video on the new S-102 standards on surface bathymetry products.
In the video, Captain Pascal Rhéaume, pilot and member of the technical committee for the Corporation of Lower St-Lawrence Pilots, an active stakeholder...


Article Nigeria: Marine pilots seek payment of footage allowances

by - published on 8 May 2020

The Nigerian Maritime Pilot Association - NMPA, an affiliate of the International Maritime Pilot Association - IMPA, has called for the payment of accrued Footage allowances being owed them.


Article Salt water runs deep in veins of Esperance marine pilot

by Carwyn Monck - published on 14 February 2024

Experiences from Australia: No two days are the same for a marine pilot in a busy port such as Esperance, but Mr MacAdie wouldn’t have it any other way.


Article GPS (Part 2), physical and technical errors of GNSS - an error analysis

by Capt. Gunter Schütze, Thailand/Germany - published on 26 February 2020

In my announced sequel, the second part of GPS, it is primarily about the technical and physical operational and functional limitations to which GPS is subject. These limitations, in part, have serious implications for the accuracy of GPS, and even go as far as limiting the functionality of GPS in its functions or even making it impossible. In doing so,


Video Berthing P02 skikda old port M/T duke1

published on 19 December 2019

Video was sent to by Mohamed Anwar Remichi


Video 3D Simulation of a ship collision in Kiel Canal - Munksund cw Balticborg Nov 8 2020 Kiel Canal

published on 19 July 2022

On November the 8th 2020 container feeder vessel Munksund collided with the RoRo cargo vessel Balticborg. The collision occurred, most likely caused by banking conditions, in the eastern section of the Kiel Canal near km 96. This is a combined 2D/3D representation of the collision created with MSG Prospector, MSG Plotter and Google Earth.


Video Self-righting test: PILOT62, 17m by Cheoy Lee Shipyards

published on 26 June 2021

17m Self-righting Pilot Boat by Cheoy Lee Shipyards Name: PILOT 62 Designer: Camarc Design Overall length: 17.3m Designed speed: 25 knots Performance • Innovation • Reliability • Quality • Service Ref: 5209 (sister-ship: 5210)


Video Helicopter Pilot Transfer

published on 27 April 2020