Job Offer

Marine Pilot

published on 4 November 2022 213 -

Southern Ports Authority
Bunbury, Bunbury & South West WA, Australia

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Video Podcast: Reshma Nilofer, Maritime Pilot, Kolkata Port Trust, India

published on 16 January 2021

Welcome to the 154th episode of the Shipping Podcast with Reshma Nilofer, the first female maritime Pilot in India and one of few in the world. Reshma takes us on a journey on how to reach your dream goals. She is a powerful woman and a role model to many.
Reshma Nilofer was the first female maritime river pilot, and the current Indian President awarded her with the "Woman Power Award" in 2018. The Woman Power Award is an annual award given by the Ministry of Women and Child Development...


Video Pilot boat Lorient harbor - Storm Ulla 2014

published on 18 October 2020

Approche d'un navire gros colis par mauvais temps en 2014. Pilotone Troenn de Lorient


Opinion Suggestions to improve Pilot Ladder Safety

by Nasir Khan - published on 28 June 2021

Ideas from Nasir Khan, Port Pilot: "I would like to suggest that we try an experiment and make some modifications that will result in a better grip on the handrails of the ship's ladder and on the pilot ladder steps. Let's talk about it!"


Video Hurricane winds Ireland Febuary 2014 from aboard Pilot boat

published on 17 December 2019

HDV video from a go pro on the mast of an Interceptor 48 Pilot boat at sea during hurricane force winds off Cork, Ireland in February 2014, as well as a few other HD go pro clips. Video by boat builders Safehaven Marine.


Video Pilot boarding via Helicopter in Melbourne, Australia

published on 4 October 2022

Video by Maksym Kunchev. Thank you!


Article The World’s Largest Container Vessel “HMM ALGECIRAS” Transits the Suez Canal

by - published on 2 June 2020

Admiral Osama Rabie, Chairman of the Suez Canal Authority (SCA) witnessed the transit of HMM ALGECIRAS, the world's largest container vessel, on its maiden voyage since its launching last April. It transited among the south convoy, via the New Suez Canal, heading from Yantian to Rotterdam.


Article Support hashtag #MarinePilots

by - published on 4 September 2019

To better bundle all articles and messages about Marine / Maritime Pilots I would like to suggest the Hashtag #MARINEPILOTS. We can use it well here on LinkedIn, but also for other social media like Twitter.


Video Shiphandling: Pivot Point and Transverse Thrust

published on 22 May 2022

Gavin Buchanan on YouTube: "Some of the best Ship Handling videos available online. Studying for my Master 3000 and have found these videos incredibly helpful. Thank you for making these free for students!"


Opinion AMPI Position Paper: Ethical use of pilotage data

by Australasian Marine Pilots Institute - published on 31 July 2024

The use of historical navigation data by ports is essential for safety investigations globally. In the digital age, a wealth of pilotage data is available, aiding operations and training but potentially causing stress if misused.