Job Offer

Harbor Pilot - Chicago, IL

published on 1 December 2022 235 -

Chicago, USA

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Article Jamaica: Pilots demanding COVID vaccination or they stop working

published on 10 April 2021

President of the Marine Pilot Association, Hubert Kerr, said that the pilots will not be satisfied with just being placed on a priority list, but are instead advocating for the actual jab to boost their protection against COVID-19, given their interaction with persons from different countries daily.


Video Remotely operated vessels? Seaowl makes it real

published on 30 June 2021

The remote control of ships is in development across the maritime industry and the technology enabling it presents opportunities to improve operations and safety, while reducing costs. In this film, we look at the successful SeaOwl Remotely Operated Services at Sea (ROSS) project, with commentary from some of the many people involved in its development.
Learn more:


Video Pilot leaves the Regent Seven Seas Navigator at Halifax

published on 12 August 2020

Pilot leaves the Regent Seven Seas Navigator at Halifax


Video World largest and strongest nuclear Icebreaker

published on 6 July 2019

World largest and strongest nuclear Icebreaker


Video ProZero Workboats in the MOSES project2020

published on 25 January 2022

ProZero International are proud partners in the MOSES project2020 and in the video, you can learn more on our contributions to the project, and the expeceted outcome.
MOSES: Automated Vessels and Supply Chain Optimisation for Sustainable Short SEa Shippping


Article PFMBlue installed on pilot vessel in one of the world most remote ports.

published on 13 June 2022

Lyttelton Port Company Limited (LPC) are the operators of the largest Port in the South Island of New Zealand, have chosenPFMBlue´s GP16B to be installed.


Article How AIS Works - Operation of AIS

published on 25 July 2019

The term Automatic Identification System (AIS) refers to a radio system that improves the safety and guidance of vessel traffic by exchanging navigation and other vessel data.


Article Study on European maritime pilots: Working unusual hours and its relationship to job satisfaction

published on 6 September 2022

The study focuses on maritime pilotage in seven European countries and analyzes the level of job satisfaction and its predictors.


Video Meet Jon, Marine Pilot at Port Authority of NSW

published on 18 December 2023

Port Authority of New South Wales manages the navigation, security and operational safety needs of commercial shipping in Sydney Harbour, Port Botany, Newcastle Harbour, Port Kembla, Eden and Yamba.