
How to pilot a Ship ? | Maritime Pilot | Episode 1 [Marcel van der Horst]

published on 17 September 2024 652 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "Paul-louis Holi". Originally published on 2024-09-11.
In this Episode 1, we are joined by Marcel Van Der Horst, a maritime pilot with over 19 years of experience. Marcel will provide an in-depth overview of why maritime pilots are crucial and share essential pilotage techniques used in harbor operations. This episode is a true masterclass, complete with visual explanations.

We’ll cover crucial topics such as:

1️⃣ Why you need a maritime pilot
2️⃣ Understanding different types of maneuvers in the harbor
3️⃣ How a ship is berthed using an anchor
4️⃣ How to make a sharp turn in the harbor

A big thank you to Marcel for this insightful discussion!

Whether you're a maritime professional, seafarer, aspiring pilot, or simply curious about the maritime industry, this series has something for everyone.
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