
"WESER" pilot station ship inbound Emden swath DBEB IMO 9514808

published on 5 August 2020 89 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "amSeehafen".
Emden, Germany
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Video arrival cargo seaship tug & pilot CQEN6 IMO 9750579

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Video Pilot tender GRODEN on the river Weser

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Pilot tender GRODEN on 16.12.2020 on the river Weser at Brake Unterweser to Cuxhaven - 4K VIDEO


Article What is a SWASH pilot boat? What's the difference to the SWATH technology?

by - published on 5 June 2020

At the A&R shipyard in Germany, the successful principle of SWATH boats was further developed in 2013: The SWASH principle allows sea-going, smaller and more economical boats.


Article Innovative crew transfer vessel with suspension system by Wallaby Boats

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The innovative and newly set up ship builder Wallaby Boats GmbH (WB), based in Kappeln,
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Pilot boat
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Article iHelm Decision Support for pilot boats for Sjöfartsverket

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Pilot boats are an essential part of our maritime world where they provide safe passage for ships to and from the harbor. The Swedish Maritime Administration (SMA) has 23 pilot stations in Sweden.


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Video 3D Model PILOT 745 SE for Vehicle Simulator

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If you have been looking for a Pilot Boat to use in your simulations, take a look here.


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Official Video by MAERSK:" In the past two years we have made boarding safer for maritime pilots on more than 100 ships."


Video Port of Rotterdam: Loodswezen (Netherland Pilots)

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#Portheroes #Opencall The port of Rotterdam is and will remain operational. Thanks to you. Thanks to our #Portheroes. We’re proud to show how, thanks to the boundless commitment of local company staff, our port can remain up and running. In this first instalment of the #Portheroes series, we show how Rotterdam’s pilots are working hard to keep everything ‘business as usual’ in the port. An open call: interested in contributing to one of our videos? Please contact us via...