
Maersk Saigon 332.01 meter - tribute to PTP Marine Pilot

published on 27 January 2021 52 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "Zaky The Budak Kapal". Originally published on 2021-01-27.
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Article Pilots and ship´s Captains

by Marine Pilot Luis Vale, Portugal - published on 23 August 2019

Lately there has been a considerable increase in opinions of seagoing ship´s masters complaining about pilotage services, expressed whether as LinkedIn articles and comments or in some reputable industry magazines.


Video Transport maritime : le rôle crucial des pilotes du St-Laurent

published on 17 October 2022

Toutes les 40 minutes, un pilote du Saint-Laurent embarque à bord d'un navire de commerce qui transite entre Montréal et Québec. 230 pilotes sont chargés de guider les embarcations dans la voie maritime : une des plus dangereuses au monde. Un métier essentiel à l'économie du Québec, qui est payant, mais qui vient avec son lot de contraintes et de stress. Catherine François nous amène à bord d'un porte-conteneur qui sillonne le fleuve. Le reportage de Catherine François au #TJ18H -- Rendez-...


Video 2019: "Ever Given" Allided with Berthed Ferry "Finkenwerder" in Hamburg

published on 28 March 2021

On 9 February 2019, near the Port of Hamburg, the EVER GIVEN struck the 25-metre HADAG ferry Finkenwerder, moored at the Blankenese jetty, and severely damaged it. Two minutes after the collision, a ban was imposed on sailing on the Elbe due to strong winds.


Video APL TEMASEK (400m) to Rotterdam World Gateway

published on 1 October 2020

The 400 m long APL TEMASEK was inbound this morning to RWG (Rotterdam World Gateway ) terminals at Maasvlakte-2 in Port of Rotterdam. We were assisted by 2 Boluda tugs and the KRVE boatmen.


Video Meet Jon, Marine Pilot at Port Authority of NSW

published on 18 December 2023

Port Authority of New South Wales manages the navigation, security and operational safety needs of commercial shipping in Sydney Harbour, Port Botany, Newcastle Harbour, Port Kembla, Eden and Yamba.


Video Singapore’s First Hybrid Electric boat underway

published on 29 April 2021

15 mtr pilot boat classed under BV with the notation Electric Hybrid and Zero-Emission (“ZE”) mode. This notation provides operational and environmental benefits. It helps to ensure the systems operate safely and efficiently, as well as reduce fuel consumption, local air emissions and noise when in proximity to centers of population.


Article Pilots Corner – A perspective from New Zealand

by Chirp Maritime - published on 25 August 2020

The next step for NZMPA is to issue a set of regulator-endorsed guidance notes. The first version will focus on accommodation ladders used in conjunction with pilot ladders.


Video Harbor Pilot Boarding Disney Fantasy in 40 Kts of wind on what was the best lee side to be had

published on 19 September 2019

Harbor Pilot boarding Disney Fantasy in Port Canaveral in 40 Kts of wind during Hurricane Sandy, Fall, 2012.


Video RightShip Safety Insights - Pilot and Accommodation Ladders

published on 20 June 2023

Over the past two years, RightShip has reviewed more than 21,000 PSC inspections, assessed over 2,500 incidents, and inspected over 4,600 vessels. This is in addition to the reviewing a large number of SIRE reports as part of the vetting process. Despite the industry’s efforts and campaigns to educate, we have observed an upward trend in deficiencies and non-conformities involving pilot ladders and arrangements. The data gathered from RightShip Inspections indicates that the pilot ladder...