
Pilot Vessel "COMETA", La Plata Harbour, Argentina

published on 11 January 2022 49 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "@ultrabarqueros / Barqueros de Ultramar". Originally published on 2022-01-06.
Pilot Vessel "COMETA" #CanalAccesoAPuertoLaPlata #pilotstation #pilotboat  #LaPlataHarbour #LanchasDelEste #BuenosAiresProvince #Argentina/ 15.12.2021.

This video shows the Pilot Vessel "COMETA" inside the #CanalAccesoAPuertoLaPlata when she arrived at #PilotStation #LanchasDelEste #LaPlataHarbour #BuenosAiresProvince #Argentina.
The video was filmed by @ultrabarqueros

You can watch the full video by clicking on the following Link: / Puedes ver el video apretando en el siguiente Link:

Special thanks to the Skipper of the Pilot Vessel "COMETA" and all his Crew.

Date: 15th. December 2021.
Time: 17:43 hours (Local Time).

This account recommends watch the others seis (6) videos of the similar Pilot Boat, with the following titles / Esta cuenta recomienda ver los siguientes seven (7) videos de similares Lanchas de Prácticos, con los siguientes títulos:

1) Pilot Vessel "SEA PILOT"/On board Bulk Carrier Ship "CS CALLA" - Arriving at #Recalada #BoardingStation #KM239 #PuntaIndioChannel #RioDeLaPlata #Argentina.- Please, watch on @YouTube Channel

2) Pilot Vessel "KOON" #CanalAccesoAPuertoLaPlata #pilotstation #pilotboat  #LaPlataHarbour #LanchasDelEste #BuenosAiresProvince #Argentina/ 19.07.2020. Please, watch on @YouTube Channel

3) Pilot Vessel "CAPITÁN JON"/On board Pilot Vessel "SEA PILOT" - Arriving at #PuertoDelBuceo #DelBuceoHarbour #RioDeLaPlata #Uruguay.- Please, watch on @YouTube Channel

4) Bulk Carrier Ship "PICTOR"/ Pilot Boat "PAX"/ Bulk Carrier Ship "TAMARACK"/ Maneuvering of Disembarking Rio de la Plata #Pilots #Prácticos #ZonaComún #RioDeLaPlata #Argentina .- Please, watch the video on @YouTube Channel

5) Pilot Vessel "CARRASCO II"/ Pilot Vessel "CAPITÁN JON"/ On board Pilot Vessel "SEA PILOT" Arriving at #ElBuceoHarbour #Uruguay - Coming from the #BoardingStation #JP #Recalada #RioDeLaPlata.- Please, watch on @YouTube Channel

6) Pilot Vessel "DELTA CHARLIE"//Crude Oil Tanker "CONQUEST"//STS TRANSFER OPERATION - SHIP TO SHIP TRANSFER OPERATION #ALPHALitheningZone #ZonaAlijoAlfa #AlphaZone #RioDeLaPlata #Uruguay.- Please, watch on @YouTube Channel

7) On Board Pilot Boat "SEA PILOT" #ElBuceoHarbour #BoardingPoint #JPRecalada #KM239.1 #Recalada #RioDeLaPlata - Music: "HELLS BELLS" - "AC/DC" // Original Instrumental Version Song (1980).- Please, watch on @YouTube Channel

#ultrabarqueros #ultrabarqueros2 #bulkcarrierships #bulkcarriers #pilots #pilotboat #merchantnavy #instaship #merchant #instashipping #seafarer #maritime #shiplife #seamen #shipspotting #marinomercante #marinamercante #seapilots #riverpilots #seapilotslife #seamaster #chemicaltanker #grandesbarcos

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