
New guidance for PBAs with trapdoors. Released 4.11.2020 by NZMPA

by New Zealand Maritime Pilot's Association - published on 6 November 2020 492 -

Rigging Of Combination Boarding Arrangements With Trapdoors

"A guide for Pilot boarding operations in New Zealand when using combination Arrangements with trapdoor."

by The New Zealand Maritime Pilot’s Association - NZMPA
Publication PBA-1, 1st Edition November 2020
Steve Banks, President of NZMPA on social media:
"New guidance for PBAs with trapdoors. Released 4.11.2020 at NZMPA Conference in Dunedin, NZ. Distinct difference to suggestions in many other countries, is that we challenge operators who have the ladder suspended from the accommodation ladder (gangway) and not secured to the ship. SOLAS states that pilot ladder shall be secured to the ship, and securing strongpoints, shackles and ropes shall be as strong as the sideropes."
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Article Pilots Corner – A perspective from New Zealand

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