
An overview of the different spellings for a Marine Pilot

by - published on 1 December 2019 107 -

An overview of the different spellings for a Marine Pilot:

Please use the menu item "Feedback" if you have another spelling or country-specific name for us.

“marine pilot”
“maritime pilot”
“master pilot”
“mooring master”
“pilota del porto”
“pilote maritime”
“piloto da barra”
“piloto de barra”
“piloto naval”
“port pilot”
“river pilot”
“sea pilot”
“senior pilot”
“ship pilot”
”first class pilot”
„aspirant pilot“
„channel pilot“
„Practico de Puerto“
„práctico de puerto“
"piloti del porto"
"piloto practico"
"vessel pilot"

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René Hartung Lotsenbrüderschaft NOK II Kiel / Lübeck / Flensburg, Germany
on 20 April 2020, 13:14 UTC

I don‘t mean to appear to know-it-all, but „Lotse“ ist written with a capital „L“ at the beginning - I just tumbled over it, because I home-schooled one of my kids today on the grammar of writing nouns with capital letters in the German language. ;o)


Article Support hashtag #MarinePilots

by - published on 4 September 2019

To better bundle all articles and messages about Marine / Maritime Pilots I would like to suggest the Hashtag #MARINEPILOTS. We can use it well here on LinkedIn, but also for other social media like Twitter.


Article Photographer Michela Canalis becomes Partner of

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Announcement from


Article says thank you for more than 44,000 page views in 7 weeks!

by - published on 3 December 2019

It all started with the idea and vision of a large community of Marine Pilots, bringing people and organisations together. A web portal that gathers all the information for the pilot industry, makes all the stakeholders visible and gives the world's pilots an opportunity to exchange ideas among themselves.


Video Indian Marine Pilot | Fight against Corona

published on 30 April 2020

This vlog is all about a Marine pilot who performs his duty religiously in such pandemic outbreak.
So do watch it’s interesting.


Video Pilotage on Sabine River (USA)

published on 19 May 2022

Great filmed voyage along the river Sabine. Normally it takes 6 to 7 hours from the terminal to Sabine pilot bay with 2 pilots assisted by 1 tugboat to Sabine inner pilot station....


Video OMC International - Cosco Thailand

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Video Praticagem faz teste no canal dragado de Vitória

published on 25 May 2020

Primeiro teste da nova profundidade do canal de Vitória (ES). Os práticos Evandro Oliveira Daquino e Rafael Amorim Sobreira realizaram a manobra de saída de navio com 11 metros de calado. Ambos participaram do estudo prévio realizado no Tanque de Provas Numérico da USP. O prático Fabio Andrade Batista dos Santos também esteve presente na faina, sem ônus, como avaliador. Ele fez todos os registros da manobra, como a menor profundidade medida ao longo do canal etc.


Video Maritime Pilot at work in the Port of Hamburg

published on 6 October 2022

This video seems to be slow and boring for non maritime people, but doing the job in a good way needs a lot of experience and knowledge. And it's the very the best job in the world.


Video Rodman 41 Pilotage and Harbour Vessel

published on 6 July 2022

Rodman 41 pilot boat for the Cadiz Pilots' Corporation


Article The International Pilot - Issue Number 48 / July 2020

by IMPA - International Maritime Pilots’ Association - published on 22 December 2021

The Journal of the international Maritime Pilots´ Association