
Kongsberg Digital to provide the Panama Canal Authority with simulators for multi-vessel training scenarios

published on 16 April 2021 175 -

Kongsberg Digital has signed a contract with the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) to upgrade and extend the K-Sim Navigation simulators based in SIDMAR; the Center for Simulation, Research and Maritime Development of the Panama Canal Authority. Equipped with the new technology, the Panama City-based center will be able to include multiple vessels in training scenarios and extend the realism of the simulator training provided for pilots and tug masters.

Scheduled for August 2021, this substantial upgrade will involve a broad scope of delivery. The center’s main K-Sim Navigation simulator will be upgraded with new visual image generation and display/projection systems, and an array of new consoles and hardware (HW) panels. In addition, a unique new floor projection system will be installed to replicate the port and starboard views from the bridge wings. This feature will allow trainee officers on the main bridge to monitor the tugs and pilot boats in – for example – demanding port and tug maneuvering scenarios with vessels in close proximity.

Two entirely new K-Sim Navigation bridge simulators are also included with the delivery. One will be configured specifically to duplicate a full-mission tugboat bridge with the capability of simulating various types of tug propulsion systems including Voith, Schottel and Azimuthing Stern Drive (ASD). The 360° vertical displays on the new bridge simulators will enable student tug masters and pilots to train together with the crew members on the main bridge, while a new CCTV system and KONGSBERG’s award-winning instructor stations will make the creation and individual assessment of exercises more accurate than ever.

“We’ve enjoyed a fruitful working relationship with the Panama Canal Authority for many years,” adds Andreas Jagtøyen, EVP, Digital Ocean, Kongsberg Digital, “and it’s very satisfying to know that we can continue providing SIDMAR with our cutting-edge simulation technology, which now will be integrated for multi-vessel training scenarios. The commitment the Authority has shown with this large-scale K-Sim extension and upgrade confirms its faith in our simulation technology and bodes very well for our ongoing mutual development.”

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