
Study: increasing competition in ports and the underlying pressure

published on 2 October 2021 272 -

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Video Transit of the Panama Canal with an XDF LNG Carrier on the Newly expanded locks under pilotage

published on 19 December 2020

Join me as we transit through the Panama Canal from the North-East side to the South-West. An interesting vlog on how an XDF LNG carrier transits through the newly expanded Panama Canal.Find out its history and which vessel and Captain transited the Canal on its opening day on the 15th of August 1914.The interaction with the Pilot Captain Arnulfo Cepetno who assist me on transit the Cocoli locks.


Video The Port Authority of Jamaica | Critical Services - Pilotage

published on 15 April 2021

Pilotage is compulsory in all Jamaican ports and is a necessity for the safe passage and docking of ships entering and leaving the harbours. No ship or vessel can enter our Ports without the #PortAuthorityJa’s pilotage services. #MarinePilots, being the experts in local conditions, are required to assist in the navigation and manoeuvring of vessels in our channels and port areas and are dispatched to all ports in Jamaica on a 24 hour basis. Our #PilotBoatCrew ensures that Marine Pilots are...


Video How to get off the ship with Pilot Siri

published on 31 January 2022

How to get off the ship with Pilot Siri
welcome my ship unlimited bd video channel
#shipunlimitedbd #ship


Video IMPA Seminar on Maritime Pilots and Pilotage

published on 10 November 2022

The Seminar aims to inform Member States, intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental organizations in consultative status with IMO about the societal value of maritime pilots and pilotage as a public service. The IMO Secretary-General has recognised maritime pilots as having always been vital to ensuring the safety of navigation in key ports and shipping lanes globally and playing a crucial role in sustaining the global supply chain using specialized knowledge and expertise....


Video Brazilian Pilotage Maneuver Simulation Center

published on 14 June 2022

Maneuvering ships are complex operations with high-risk involved. Just like nautical projects, they need to be simulated on training centers before approved. In a scenario of growing ships and limited waterways, state-of-the-art technology is essential to safely increase ports efficiency. That is why Brazilian Pilotage brought the most modern bridge simulator next to the maritime regulatory entities. Located a few minutes from government agencies, in the brazilian capital, our training...


Article Briese research and Nautitec create a lifelike virtual simulation model of research vessel „Maria S. Merian”

published on 16 November 2021

Briese research are extending their cooperation with Nautitec for their research training projects. As from immediate effect, a model of the research vessel “Maria S. Merian” can be used for tailor made training at NAUTITEC´s Leer-based simulator facilities.


Article What is a pilot boat?

published on 9 January 2023

A pilot boat is a specialized vessel that is used to transport pilots to and from ships that are entering or leaving port. Pilot boats are typically small, fast vessels that are designed to operate in a variety of weather conditions and sea states.


Article Psychophysical stress and strain of maritime pilots in Germany. A cross-sectional study

published on 12 June 2021

Maritime pilots work in an irregular deployment system (rotation system) with unpredictable work assignments under high levels of physical and mental stress. Fatigue or chronic diseases, e.g. coronary heart disease, peptic ulcers or gastritis can occur as a consequence.


Article Russian Marine Pilot (61) killed in accident on 14 March 2021

by Frank Diegel - published on 17 March 2021

In Novorossiysk (Russia, Black Sea), a marine pilot died during a pilot transfer and an investigation has been launched. The incident occurred on the evening of 14 March at about 21:40.


Article London Port Authority: Record year for pilotage

by Port of London Authority - published on 13 January 2022

By the end of this year, our sea pilots are set to have undertaken a record number of pilotage acts. The total number is set to exceed 10,700, with almost 99% of the acts completed without delay.