
Charles Costanzo named executive director of Puget Sound Pilots

published on 1 October 2021 92 -

Original article was written by Marissa Nall – Reporter, Puget Sound Business Journal

Puget Sound Pilots appointed a new executive director, Charles Costanzo, formerly general counsel and Pacific region vice president for American Waterways Operators (AWO).

Puget Sound Pilots is an organization of independent, trained ship captains who help guide large vessels through Puget Sound waterways.

Costanzo said in his role as head of the Pacific Region for national trade association AWO his territory spanned the West Coast.

“This move allows me to focus on maritime safety and maritime business issues in my hometown,” he said.

In the new role, Costanzo said he plans to communicate the organization’s mission and encourage a strong workforce development pipeline for expert mariners. He also aims to focus on marine safety and work to support growth at the Seattle and Tacoma ports.

“Maritime commerce is a hugely important part of our economy,” he said. “It adds economic diversity, provides workforce pathways and helps our state stay economically viable.”
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