
NTSB Report: Fatal accident under pilotage in Galveston, Texas (Jan 2020)

by NTSB National Transportation Safety Board - published on 5 November 2021 258 -

Report by NTSB - National Transportation Safety Board. Picture by USCG

WASHINGTON (Nov. 4, 2021) — The National Transportation Safety Board issued Marine Accident Brief 21/21 Thursday for its investigation​ of the Jan. 14, 2020, fatal collision of the tanker Bow Fortune and commercial fishing vessel Pappy’s Pride near Galveston, Texas.

The Bow Fortune was transiting inbound in the Outer Bar Channel while Pappy’s Pride was transiting outbound. The two vessels collided in dense fog and the fishing vessel capsized and sank. Three of the four crewmembers aboard the fishing vessel died. One crewmember sustained serious injury. There were no injuries to the pilot or crew of 28 on board the Bow Fortune. A surface sheen of diesel was reported. The fishing vessel was a total loss valued at $575,000.

Prior to the collision, the pilot of the Bow Fortune used VHF radio to hail the Pappy’s Pride three times and the Bow Fortune sounded two danger signals. The Pappy’s Pride’s captain had radar, automatic radar plotting aid and electronic charts onboard capable of showing the automatic identification system (AIS) information of nearby vessels. The Pappy’s Pride AIS history showed that the captain made multiple course changes, indicating he was actively steering; however, the Pappy’s Pride did not reply to any of the radio calls or danger signals.

Investigators determined the probable cause of the collision was the captain of the Pappy’s Pride’s outbound course toward the ship channel, which created a close quarters situation in restricted visibility. Contributing to the collision was the lack of communication from the captain of the Pappy’s Pride.

“Early communication can be an effective measure in averting close quarters situations,” the report said. “The use of VHF radio can help to dispel assumptions and provide operators with the information needed to better assess each vessel’s intentions.”

To report an incident/accident or if you are a public safety agency, please call 1-844-373-9922 or 202-314-6290 to speak to a Watch Officer at the NTSB Response Operations Center (ROC) in Washington, DC (24/7).
The full NTSB report is available from now.

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Javier Etchegaray Argentina
on 8 November 2021, 22:54 UTC

The Rules of the Road don't speak about VHF calls... They tell you about sound reglamentary signals with fog. Sorry, but pilot legal mistake...


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