
Pilot spots dolphins in Kopli Bay (Estonia)

by - published on 7 June 2020 106 -

pictures by Indrek Sülla

Marine pilot Indrek Sülla (Eesti Loots) spotted dolphins in the waters of Kopli Bay, off the coast of Tallinn, a few days ago. This is a very special event in this region and so far north.

Sülla said that he departed from Vene-Balti Port around 11 a.m. for his usual work.

"We had already left the port and turned on Kopli Lines toward the sea," he recalled. "A boat that follows the pilot was traveling alongside us, when suddenly I look ahead of the boat — two big fins appeared to be gliding along the surface of the water. And then, oh wow, two or three more times — these big creatures appeared. I realized right away that they were dolphins."

According to Sülla, this was quite the delightful surprise for him. "The water has apparently gotten cleaner and warmer in Kopli Bay," he said. "And then twice they even swam under our bow as well."

He said that the dolphins were about two meters in long, with gray backs.

"It was quite the surprising coincidence to see such a thing in my home port," the pilot said. "I know that there have been porpoises here, but there haven't been any dolphins."

On May 22, Finnish public broadcaster Yle reported that dolphins had been spotted in Southern Finland. 13-year-old Keeri Sjöblom caught a trio of bottlenose dolphins on video, first onshore, and then more closely from a boat.

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