
NZMPA Conference 2022

published on 6 May 2022 491 -

This event lies in the past.
15.11.2022 - 17.11.2022
Auckland, New Zealand
Save the dates for the New Zealand Maritime Pilots' Association Auckland Conference 2022 comprising 3 days of seminars and workshops at the Park Hyatt Hotel in Auckland's famous Wynyard Quarter. The theme this year is "Optimising pilotage now and into the future". A speakers line up will be published soon and registration will begin in June.
Auckland, New Zealand
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Video Pilot on Board in Australia

published on 22 August 2022



Video Embarking the pilot at the Port of Açu in rough weather

published on 20 May 2022

Embarque mais cedo hoje no Porto do Açu (RJ). Prático Diogo Weber.
#Praticagem #ZP15 #PraticagemDoBrasil #NaoPara #24h #EficienciaNosPortos


Video Marine Pilot pick up

published on 10 January 2023

#pelautindonesia #pilotboat #pandu #harbourtug Assalamu’alaikum wr wb.. Halo halo…?? Berjumpa lagi sama saya guys akbar peaut indonesia, gimana kabar kalian semuanya ? Semoga di berikan kesehatan ya guys. Aamiin. Ok guys, ini adalah video mengenai proses penjemputan bapak pandu dari vessel bulk carrier ALPHA LAGECY oleh MOTOR PILOT BOAT untuk vessel ini memimiliki panjang 229 meter guys,kapal ini baru di sandarkan oleh 3 pala tunda. vessel Alpha Lagecy berasal dari negari asing guys...


Video Swedish Royal Pilotage Steamship S/S Orion

published on 19 October 2021

Short presentation of the steamship S/S Orion


Video New Pilot Boat for Finnpilot Pilotage: "Bon Voyage PILOT L247"

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Saying goodbye to our new built vessels are never easy. This pilot boat is the 16th delivered to Finnpilot Pilotage by Kewatec AluBoat.


Article AMSA has published the first marine incident annual report

published on 20 October 2020

AMS has released the annual report of marine incidents reported from regulated Australian and foreign flagged vessels in Australian waters. It includes an analysis of reported marine incidents during 2016 to 2019, with a focus on 2019 data.


Video Huge ship crane collapses during tests in the port of Rostock, Germany

published on 3 May 2020

Rostock; 02.05.2020: Actually, the special ship with the giant heavy-lift crane crane, which was designed for over 5,000 tons load capacity, was supposed to be delivered in the next few days. During final tests the crane broke off in the afternoon of May 2. Four people were injured in the accident. This is the second accident with Liebherr cranes this year in the Rostock overseas port. Already in February this year two cranes were reported to have fallen into the water during loading....


Video KIEL CANAL Ship Collision Incident, General Cargo with Tanker

published on 28 July 2021

KIEL CANAL Ship Collided Collision incident general cargo BBC PARANA vs Motor Tanker ORASUND
Tanker went out of control after engine failure and collided with general cargo ship in Kiel Canal near Kiel locks, at around 0120 Local Time Jul 27, The ships were transiting Canal in opposite directions, both reportedly, sustained damages and were detained. Tanker was berthed near collision site, general cargo ship according to track, exited Canal and was berthed in port outside locks, Ships...