Job Offer

Marine Pilot / Aberdeen UK

published on 18 March 2021 510 -

Aberdeen Harbour Board
Harbour Office
Aberdeen, United Kingdom

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Video Look at Life - City of Sailors - Portsmouth - 1965, UK

published on 18 March 2021

Look at Life - City of Sailors - Portsmouth - 1965
Portsmouth is no longer the sea-faring city it once was; this film from the Documentary Series "Look At Life" Volume 5 - Cultural Heritage in 1965 looks at its changing face.


Video Marine pilot transfer Port Botany

published on 9 January 2020

Video showing marine pilot navigating a cargo ship from Port Botany.


Video German Pilot Off Bremerhaven

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Video Chart Projections and Chart Accuracy - ECDIS

published on 11 July 2020

With the increasing accuracy and reliability of navigational receivers, this part of the video module will try to establish a better understanding of the mathematical definition of the Earth’s surface and mapping of this curved shape onto a plane surface. Chart Projections and Chart Accuracy Principle Used For Creating Electronic Charts Display of Electronic Charts Route Planning With ECDIS https://...


Video Captain Matt Glass - Houston Pilot (2012)

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Captain Matt Glass, a deputy pilot with the Houston Pilots, boards and guides the UAL Capetown on the Houston Ship Channel from the landing area outside Galveston Bay to the Manchester docks in Houston, a voyage of about 7 hours.


Video La prima donna d'Italia diventata Pilota del Porto

published on 4 June 2021

La Comandante Roberta Coppa è la prima donna d'Italia a essere diventata Pilota del Porto. La abbiamo incontrata a Venezia, dove lavora, per scoprire il suo percorso di vita e professionale


Article Board of commissioners of Pilots of the State of New York

published on 22 December 2021

At the 27 October 2020 meeting, the Board reviewed the SHPA grant request for a pilot ladder climbing training program.


Video German Pilots embarking cruise vessel by SWATH Pilot Boat Döse

published on 7 September 2020

Recording of cruise ship Pilots boarding from boat at speed


Video Another non-compliant trap door arrangement

published on 4 October 2021

Some pilots have already lost their lives because of this non-compliant construction. We don't want to see such an arrangement again. Here is a latest video from the Middle East.