Job Offer

Pilot / Mooring Master for Hawaii

published on 5 July 2022 669 -

Par Pacific Corporate
Kapolei, Hawaii, US, 96707, USA

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Video Pilot on Board Documentary Movie

published on 23 February 2023

Pilot on Board - Documentary Movie ⚓️ The documentary Pilot on Board shows us the highly responsible work of Finnish pilots and pilot boat operators, through all seasons, in different circumstances, ships and ports. In spring we go onboard in Örregrund, Kotka, to guide the cargo ship M/S Arabian Breeze to port. In summer we see how the 290 metres long cruise ship M/S Emerald Princess is piloted from Harmaja to the West Harbour in Helsinki. The pilotage of a Dutch ship in Lake Saimaa was...


Video HURON SPIRIT - PILOT BOAT - Upbound Port Huron, Michigan 8-25-2020

published on 26 August 2020

HURON SPIRIT - PILOT BOAT - Upbound On The St. Clair River Heading Into Lake Huron, To Pickup A Great Lakes Pilot From The JAMNO - POLSTEAM, Passing Under The Blue Water Bridges At Port Huron, Michigan.


Video Suezmax Tanker Northbound İstanbul Strait

published on 22 September 2020 , Maritime Pilot , Turkish Straits , İstanbul Strait


Article GPS (Part 2), physical and technical errors of GNSS - an error analysis

by Capt. Gunter Schütze, Thailand/Germany - published on 26 February 2020

In my announced sequel, the second part of GPS, it is primarily about the technical and physical operational and functional limitations to which GPS is subject. These limitations, in part, have serious implications for the accuracy of GPS, and even go as far as limiting the functionality of GPS in its functions or even making it impossible. In doing so,


Video "Majesty of the Seas" berthing Portsmouth International Port. Tug view

published on 10 August 2020

Video by Andy Mabbett, UK
A lovely morning for the arrival of the Royal Caribbean International Majesty of the Seas into Portsmouth International Port. Apologies for my basic editing but the overlays in each corner provide an idea of what my tugs azimuth thrusters were doing along the way with the sliders showing engine and propeller power. The Damen Shipyards Group ASD 2411 'MARKSMAN' of SMS Towage is an awesome tug with 70t Bollard Pull. This ensures the customer's v/l is handled safely...


Video Frontal collision between two vessels on Welland Canal yesterday (Canada)

published on 12 July 2020

An investigation is underway following a collision between "Florence Spirit" and "Alanis" in the Welland Canal. The incident occurred around 4 p.m. Saturday near Port Robinson when the dry bulk cargo ship "Alanis", which was carrying windmill parts to Duluth, Minnesota, collided during a passing maneuver with the "Florence Spirit", which was carrying coal on its way to Quebec. Editors Note: According to the "Welland Tribune", the Florence Spirit was heading down the canal while the MV...


Video South Esk & Ederra 7 Interceptor 48 pilot boats rough weather sea trials

published on 25 November 2022

Here’s a nice video of the recent sea trials with ‘South Esk’, a new Interceptor 48 pilot boat for the Montrose Port Authority in Scotland. It was fairly rough during our sea trial days with a fair bit of wind, and although it was touch and go flying the drone, we managed to capture some wonderful video of her and Ederra 7 at the entrance to Cork Harbour in a gale.


Video Abu Dhabi Ports COVID-19 Preventive Measures

published on 5 April 2020

Interview with Abu Dhabi Ports’ Crisis & Business Continuity Management Manager, Mohamed Al Hosani to illustrate the business continuity initiatives, and the key health and safety measures implemented at Abu Dhabi Ports to ensure the health and safety of employees and stakeholders.


Video Pilot Going from Helicopter

published on 29 April 2022


Article Artemis Technologies Sets Sail With Innovative eFoiler® Pilot Boat

published on 11 September 2023

Artemis Technologies, a pioneering leader in the development of innovative maritime technologies, is proud to unveil the design of its ground-breaking Artemis EF-12 Pilot.