Job Offer

Senior Marine Pilot

published on 4 October 2022 457 -

Tennessee Valley Authority
Tennessee, USA

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Article The NZMPA Good Practice Guide for Pilots 2021

published on 4 April 2022

The Good Practice Guide for Pilots 2021 describes the knowledge and skills (technical and non-technical) that the NZMPA believe all pilots should aim to achieve and maintain. It is written primarily for pilots for their own guidance and professional development, but can be used as a framework for pilot training, proficiency and assessment. It is referenced to NZ Maritime Law and Codes.


Video Whitten Road Haulage - Pilot Boat - Cork to A Coruna

published on 8 November 2020

Shown here is some footage of a pilot boat that was recently expertly delivered by our driver Declan to A Coruna from Cork. This load was 4.85m high, 24m long and 4.2m wide overall. It takes a great team coordinating from our office to organise the shipping, escorts and permits here in Ireland and Spain in order to make Declan's job a bit easier. It then takes the drivers expert hand to ensure that the load arrives safely and you can be sure in using Whitten Road Haulage that our years of...


Article Report on Safe Tug Procedures

by Captain Henk Hensen (Marine Consultant) - published on 6 February 2020

Based on Pilot, Tug Master and Ship Captain Questionnaires

Compiled by:

Captain Henk Hensen FNI FITA Captain Daan Merkelbach FITA Captain F. van Wijnen MNI


Article Can you trust your GNSS data?

published on 23 November 2022

This important topic is still underestimated in shipping! Can you trust your GPS? Your Galileo? Knowing where the ship is and where to sail next is the main task of navigating a ship and is commonly supported by using Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). But what happens if the GNSS gets intentionally disturbed?


Article History of the Liverpool Pilot Service - Arnet Robinson

by xtinacavender - published on 14 February 2022

The first-known chart of the Mersey estuary was dated 1689 – to assist sailors approaching the port. The route for ships through to the port of Liverpool, through sand banks and the powerful tides of the Irish Sea and Mersey Estuary, was a challenging business.


Video As NorthQueensland (Australia) As

published on 11 July 2024

Up here in the north, we do things a little differently ...


Video HMM - Maiden voyage of HMM Algeciras #6-Yantian-departure

published on 17 June 2020

See the world’s largest containership (24,000 TEU) departing Yantian with a world record number of TEU’s on board (19,621 TEU). Wishing you ‘fair wind and following seas’ HMM Algeciras, through to Suez (25th May) then beyond to Rotterdam (ETA 3rd June), Hamburg (7th June), Antwerp (11th June) & London Gateway (14th June).


Video From a seaman. Gabon, Baie du Prince, 2012.

published on 30 June 2021

Gabon, Baie du Prince, 2012.
Getting that nice fat lady alongside


Video Berthing, Anchoring & other Mooring Operations | Berthing (Part 1)

published on 8 September 2021

Course Name: Berthing, Anchoring & other Mooring Operations
Topic Name: Berthing


Video Nederlands Loodswezen

published on 14 February 2023