
Pilot disembarkation in Istanbul Strait

published on 30 December 2020 99 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "THE SAILOR HD".
pilot boat
general cargo ship
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Video Maritime Pilot embarking a Bulk Carrier with a 8,95 freeboard.

published on 26 August 2020

Hardest part of getting on board of a ship is climbing up on a maximum height of pilot ladder as 9m. Vessel on that video is a 27kdwt bulk carrier in ballast condition bound for İstanbul strait northbound passage.


Article ‘SANAAG’ A new Pilot boat for the Port of Berbera, Somaliland in Africa delivered by Safehaven Marine.

by Safehaven Marine - published on 20 April 2020

Safehaven Marine based in Ireland have just delivered a pilot vessel for operations at the Port of Berbera in
Somaliland, Africa. ‘Sanaag’ is one of Safehaven’s Interceptor 38 pilot vessels, at 11.9m LOA, a very capable design which proves economical to operate, yet capable of dealing with very rough seas and challenging boarding conditions when required.


Video Hvasser Pilot Station, Norway

published on 16 November 2020

The pilot boat in Hvasser is going to pick up a pilot from a tank ship.


Article Norwegia operator to get new Pilot Boat in 2023

published on 12 January 2023

Norwegian shipping company Bukser og Berging has placed an order for a new pilot launch to be built by Kewatec Aluboat of Finland.


Video Pilot Boat Approaching

published on 9 August 2022


Article Bermuda pilots order new launch from Gladding-Hearn

published on 18 January 2022

Bermuda’s Department of Marine and Port Services has returned to Gladding-Hearn Shipbuilding, Duclos Corp., for a new Chesapeake-class pilot boat. The launch will be built to Lloyd’s Register class, with delivery scheduled for early 2023. The Somerset, Mass., shipyard built a 61-foot pilot/rescue vessel for the port service in 2011.


Video Pilotage with PPU (Portable Pilot Unit) - Indonesia

published on 16 December 2021

assalamualaikum wr wb buat yang penasaran nih sama alat yang suka saya bawa kalo kerja, ini tampilannya ya teman2 terimakasih wassalamualaikum wr wb salma steady as she goes #berharap #pulih #harbourtug #pelabuhan


Video Explosions and major fire on oil tanker MT. JAG LEELA at Belawan, Indonesia.

published on 11 May 2020

Explosions and major fire on Aframax crude oil tanker MT. JAG LEELA at Belawan, Indonesia. 10 May 3020


Opinion 1000 stanchions around… Which ones are correct and which ones are killers?

by Arie Palmers - published on 6 December 2022

Stanchions therefore are an often-overlooked part of a pilot transfer arrangement and therefore I
want to give them more attention in this article. They proved to be the cause of a whole series of accidents, some of which were even fatal.


Video Dublin Port | MOB (Man Overboard) Exercise

published on 3 November 2021

This is an exercise that is carried out at regular intervals by all crews on the Pilot boats and Tugs operating in Dublin Port, it is essential that crews are trained and ready to respond to any eventuality involving a MOB. In some instances it could be a casualty from another vessel. Being familiar with equipment and knowing what to do in any emergency is essential on board any vessel. #IrishPortSafetyWeek #DublinPort Find out more at: