Job Offer

Marine Pilot

published on 20 January 2023 415 -

Shoreham Port
Brighton, United Kingdom

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eget ante tristique, finibus tortor et, posuere quam. Duis purus risus, pharetra nec lacinia ut, vehicula et nisl. Etiam a ornare est. Mauris sit amet nisl vitae eros ornare fringilla. Donec ut vulputate nibh. Sed luctus auctor dui, non iaculis elit fringilla in. Duis quis magna tempor elit tristique sagittis ut in turpis. Mauris quis orci interdum, dictum erat nec, gravida nisi. Suspendisse vel lorem arcu.

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Video Self-righting test and arrival of Pilot Boat "Hirondelle de la Manche" (2017)

published on 20 September 2021

Arrivée au Havre de la pilotine Hirondelle de la Manche


Video MANEUVERING SHIP - Ship Channel

published on 24 August 2020

Maneuvering Ship


Article New emblem for the Nederlandse Loodsencorporatie (NLc)

published on 21 April 2022

The new emblem expresses the solidarity, commitment and reliability of all pilots in the Netherlands. It also serves to strengthen the mutual bond of the pilots who together form the Dutch Pilotage Association.


Video PLA River Thames Pilot Cutter Dji Inspire 2

published on 28 January 2021

Pilot cutters are used to take pilots between the three pilot stations (at Gravesend, Harwich and Ramsgate) and ships entering or leaving the Port of London.
Three dedicated pilot cutters Patrol, Guide and our hybrid Leader are based at Gravesend. The six cutters used at Ramsgate are operated by a Estuary Services Limited, which is jointly owned by the PLA and Medway Ports Ltd.


Article Realtime run-through of Ever Given

published on 26 March 2021

Here's a realtime run-through of the #EVERGIVEN accident. After it gets stuck, check out the vessel two behind Evergiven - moving "somewhat erratically" and almost crashing into the Maersk Denver in front.


Video Belgium SWATH Pilot Boat WESTDIEP

published on 18 October 2021

WESTDIEP PILOT (IMO: 9568988) is a Pilot Ship that was built in 2011 (10 years ago) and is sailing under the flag of Belgium.


Video IHMA Congress 2020 - Going Virtual!

published on 20 August 2020

With the theme, "The Next Wave – Navigating Towards the Digital Future, the 12th biennial Congress will be delivered virtually from 5 - 10 October, 2020.


Video Effects of Ciclone in the ports

published on 14 July 2023

As praticagens que atuam no litoral atingido pelo ciclone extratropical estão em estágio de alerta, avaliando constantemente os efeitos da ressaca e as condições de segurança dos canais de acesso. O objetivo é evitar acidentes e minimizar os impactos na logística e operacionalidade dos portos.
Em São Francisco do Sul (SC), o gerenciamento da situação já ultrapassa 12 horas, monitorando lanchas, navios fundeados e enviando rebocadores para o cais. Em Itajaí (SC), a preocupação inicial...


Video Charleston harbor pilot receives award after ship stuck in ‘full throttle’

published on 8 July 2024

The United States Coast Guard presented an award to a Mount Pleasant man for his act of maritime heroism earlier this month on Wednesday.

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