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Examination for costal Marine Pilots

published on 5 May 2023 526 -

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eget ante tristique, finibus tortor et, posuere quam. Duis purus risus, pharetra nec lacinia ut, vehicula et nisl. Etiam a ornare est. Mauris sit amet nisl vitae eros ornare fringilla. Donec ut vulputate nibh. Sed luctus auctor dui, non iaculis elit fringilla in. Duis quis magna tempor elit tristique sagittis ut in turpis. Mauris quis orci interdum, dictum erat nec, gravida nisi. Suspendisse vel lorem arcu.

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Video The Port Authority of Jamaica | Critical Services - Pilotage

published on 15 April 2021

Pilotage is compulsory in all Jamaican ports and is a necessity for the safe passage and docking of ships entering and leaving the harbours. No ship or vessel can enter our Ports without the #PortAuthorityJa’s pilotage services. #MarinePilots, being the experts in local conditions, are required to assist in the navigation and manoeuvring of vessels in our channels and port areas and are dispatched to all ports in Jamaica on a 24 hour basis. Our #PilotBoatCrew ensures that Marine Pilots are...


Video Pilot Boat crew transfer

published on 12 April 2022

Like threading a needle. Watch as the skilled captain of the Pacific Chinook comes alongside of her sister ship the Pacific Pathfinder to transfer some crew. Watch how precise he can maneuver the boat with her water jets.


Video Pilot Boat Pacific Pathfinder exiting Venn Pass heading back to Base

published on 13 July 2022

Filmed using a DJI Mini 2 All video footage is owned by Northcoast Drone and it can be licensed as stock footage. We are certified in advanced drone operations and use a visual spotter LICENSING & BUSINESS INQUIRIES Copyright © Northcoast Drone. All Rights Reserved.


Article American Pilots’ Association Names Diamond as Executive Director

published on 17 December 2020

The American Pilots’ Association (APA) announced Clayton L. “Clay” Diamond will assume the duties of Executive Director and General Counsel effective January 1. Diamond succeeds Paul Kirchner, who has been APA Executive Director-General Counsel since 1992.


Video Different methods of steering, navigating and maneuvering the Celebrity Edge

published on 3 January 2022

HOW WE DRIVE- Different methods of steering, navigating and maneuvering the Celebrity Edge, a 130,818 gross ton, 306 meter, $1.2 billion dollar new luxury liner. When we’re underway and I walk around the ship and guest's see the Captain, the question I get asked ALL. THE. TIME is “If you’re here, who is driving the ship”. The answer is the Officer of the Watch. We have a minimum of 3 very qualified and licensed officers manning the bridge at ALL times. 3 separate teams rotate every 4...


Video Pilot Embarkation - Gangway Access - Unsafe Practice at Sea CHIRP Maritime Safety

published on 4 July 2019

The hazards of Pilot boarding
Throughout 2016, the International Maritime Pilots’ Association (IMPA) held a safety campaign focused upon the standard of pilot ladders and associated equipment. CHIRP supported this campaign and received many reports on the subject.
This first report describes issues concerning pilot access near
the non-parallel ends of a ship, and use of a retractable platform.


Video Humber Maritime College Simulator Tour

published on 21 October 2020

At Humber Maritime College we have state-of-the-art marine simulators to teach our Merchant Navy cadets in an environment close to reality, preparing them for a career at sea.


Article Marine Pilotage – The Arabic book

by Dr. Captain Ahmed Sati - published on 21 May 2021

“Marine Pilotage – The Arabic book” is the first of its kind in Arabic language and specifically concerned with maritime pilotage, it is a reference book and introduction to the basics of the Marine Pilot's work for Arabic readers who


Video Deep Sea Pilotage - Boarding on EVER ACE

published on 15 June 2022
Deep Sea Pilotage boarding on EVER ACE World Largest Ship !
In Cherbourg on september 3rd 2021 for it maiden voyage to Rotterdam.
Deep North Sea Pilot - Superior pilot services for the Channel and North Sea waters.


Video The Hair-Raising Career of a Chesapeake Bay Pilot

published on 15 September 2020

Chesapeake Bay pilots guide massive cargo ships safely through the Bay's channels every day, but boarding them on a ladder attached to a moving ship is nothing short of breathtaking. Watch the video from a retired Bay Pilot.