#containerships #maritimesafety #maersk #Maritime #pilotage
#containerships #maritimesafety #maersk #Maritime #pilotage
Video Ship Arriving and Docking in Antwerp, Belgium | Life at Sea on a Container Ship
published on 4 August 2020
Time-lapse of a nearly 1000 foot Container Ship arriving and docking in Antwerp, Belgium. This is one of the longer pilotages on this ship's current route and typically takes around 5 hours or more including a pilot changeover.
Filmed using the GoPro Hero 8 Black.
Music: https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free...
#ships #maritime #antwerp
Article Pilot Walter del Río: "I work 24 hours and book the next four days".
published on 19 October 2021
by Marine-Pilots.com - published on 8 June 2020
Recently, Svitzer took an important step towards strengthening its presence in Africa by signing a five-year contract with Nacala Logistics in Mozambique for harbour towage, occasional pilot transfer and potential salvage work in the port of Nacala. At the same time, Svitzer also secured a five-year extension of its current contract with Egyptian LNG assisting the land-based Idku LNG plant with four tugs, two mooring boats and one pilot boat.
Video Riding with the Savannah Pilots
published on 25 October 2020
Over the course of 4 days this August, I was afforded the opportunity and privilege of riding with the Savannah Bar Pilots for an article I was writing for a major maritime magazine. The pilots are given the responsibility of boarding a vessel in the Atlantic Ocean and safely navigating the vessel up the Tybee Road 9 (a name for the shipping lane that leads into the Savannah River), into the Savannah River, and into the Port of Savannah. The same is done in reverse when a ship is outbound...
Article Accident and injury while disembarking in bad weather
by Frank Diegel - published on 22 August 2020
Video Pilot Boat Ride in Port Huron, Freighter Captain
published on 8 July 2024
We had an amazing opportunity to go on a pilot boat with Captain Erick Gallagher and Captain Danny Gallagher, where we got a peek into their exciting jobs! Pilot boats transport maritime pilots between land and inbound or outbound ships. Video by bluewater.org, Blue Water Area Convention & Visitors Bureau
Article Plan on the 1st Korean e-Navigation service
published on 1 June 2021
Video Pilot Boat Capsize Test
published on 13 December 2019
posted on YouTube by "Marine Online"
Capsizing or keeling over occurs when a boat or ship is turned on its side or it is upside down in the water. The act of reversing a capsized vessel is called righting. If a capsized vessel has enough flotation to prevent sinking, it may recover on its own if it is not stable inverted. Vessels of this design are called self-righting.
#PilotBoat #Capsize #LifeBoat