
Marine Pilot at work in the port of Hamburg

published on 17 April 2020 312 -

How do marine pilots work?

Example: Bringing a bulkcarrier alongside to „Hansaport“ in Hamburg.
Here the tugboats „Prompt“, „Resolute“ and „Bulldog“ are involved.
The master has to rely on the pilot. One reason is, that he can‘t know how to deal with these tugs.

A maneuver like this is only safe, when the pilot has a lot of practical experience. A master who is doing a maneuver like this only about once or twice a month and each time with tugs he doesn’t know in areas he hasn’t been to often before will be happy to have a pilot to rely on.

A pilot is happy with a master having confidence in him.
Anyway the master keeps his overriding authority at any time.
Does the master have to ask every 30 seconds „What are the tugs doing“? Should he be able to see it himself? Does the pilot have to explain every 30 seconds what the tugs are going to do or what he will do next?

Well, the pilot and the master should talk about the maneuver and expected challenges before it becomes difficult. During a time of high concentration the maneuver should not be interrupted by unnecessary explanation. Anyway, when the master feels unsafe, he will raise his voice at any time he wants to.
In this case the Master and pilot felt comfortable!

In times of corona we have to keep a social distance even to the master, so he couldn't stand directly next to me.

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Capt Girish Chandra AIMPA - All India Marine Pilots' Association, India
on 17 April 2020, 14:08 UTC

In addition to video, I really liked the article wrt expectations of Master and Pilots from each other. Very nicely described.


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