
Presenting OpenBridge Design System at DSD2020 in Oslo

published on 6 May 2020 205 -

I recently presented the OpenBridge design system at the Design System Day 2020 in Oslo. I talked about what OpenBridge is, how it differs from other design systems and where we are heading.

The conference was moved online due to the Corona virus, so I had to record the presentation using my mobile phone, and get Jon Olav from the lab to add the slides. So - apologize for the home quality of the presentation, but I hope you enjoy learning more about our work!

Since we launched the free OpenBridge Design System, 170 companies from all over the world has registered to access it. You, can find it here
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by - published on 30 October 2020

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Opinion How OpenBridge seeks to improve maritime workplaces

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I decided to abort and to give the vessel the chance to shorten it. In the next attempt they did it right and I was able to board safe


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You can also see the bright and strong red LED flare flashing which increases visibility of the victim in darkness drastically.
More product information


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Pilot transfer operations always involve risk, even when conditions are favorable. Learn the essential safety procedures involved in this operation.
Visit to purchase the full-length version.