
History: Pilot Ahoy! (1940). A pathetone special

published on 18 May 2020 592 -

The good old times: 1940. Found on YouTube. Created by "British Pathé"


New York, United States of America.

Good aerial views of dozens of merchant ships entering New York's harbour. Various shots of life aboard a New York pilot cutter. The pilot is rowed out to a merchant ship, goes aboard and then is picked up again. Apprentice pilots on board a training ship scrub the decks, lower a rowing boat over the side and study charts with a senior pilot to become familiar with the harbour.

A pilot boards a luxury liner. Good shots of the New York skyline as the pilot issues instructions to take the liner out of the harbour. He is collected by a launch. General view of a pilot ship on the water.
FILM ID:1204.04
New York, United States of America.
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