Article What is a SWASH pilot boat? What's the difference to the SWATH technology?
by - published on 5 June 2020
Article SWATH & SWASH Technology - Smoother pilot boarding
by - published on 3 July 2020
Video Abeking & Rasmussen SWATH Technology
published on 3 June 2020
Abeking Rasmussen
The shipyard has been developing and building ships for navies, coastguards, the public sector, ship operators and private customers since 1907. In addition to sailing- and motoryachts, current products include minesweepers and --hunters, patrol boats plus special ships like research and supply ships for the offshore industry.
With SWATH@A&R technology Abeking & Rasmussen developed a type of ship with exceptional seakeeping capabilities that provides a stable working...
Article Dyena SeaTRAX provides Pilot vessels with real time information
published on 6 April 2021
Dyena Systems announces the release of SeaTRAX to their range of vessel monitoring solutions.
Purposely designed to meet the requirements of Pilot vessels, SeaTRAX assists the vessel operator in the transit and transfer phase, allowing the skipper to monitor all motion parameters and make an objective assessment of the conditions.
Video The world's first 100% electric pilot boat
published on 15 April 2022
Built in 1980, the Maguelonne pilot boat, historical ship of the pilots of Sète, is getting a new look and swapping its thermal engine for a 100% electric propulsion. It is within the framework of the Green Pilot project, led by the MGH company, supported by its partners, the Occitanie Region and the Port of Sète-Frontignan, and with the participation of the pilot stations of Sète and Marseille-Fos, that the e-Maguelonne is born.
The maritime pilots lead the ships to the entrance of the...
Video Pilot Boat sea trials, Indonesia
published on 13 February 2024
pilot boat Amman benete seatrial di teluk jakarta setelah 6 bulan docking di pt tesco indomaritim #pilotboat #pelaut #marine #marineengineer #trending #pelautindonesia #pelautkeren #kapal #speedboat #jetboat #pelautganteng #pelautnusantara #galangankapalpilotboat, pilot boat, pilot boats, pilot house boat, pilot, nelson pilot boats, pilot boat for sale, pilots, pilot boat transfer, pilot boat boarding, pilot targets boats, jacobsen pilot boats, harbor pilot, pilot boat bad weather, hart...
Video What a ride: Coast Guard boat is surfing in the mouth of the Duluth Canal
published on 16 September 2020
Article Study: increasing competition in ports and the underlying pressure
published on 2 October 2021
A study of increasing competition in ports and the underlying pressure to improve port performance. This thesis is the final deliverable for the completion of the degree of Master of Science in Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics (TIL) at the faculty of Civil Engineering and Geo-sciences at the Delft University of Technology.