
HMM - Maiden voyage of HMM Algeciras #6-Yantian-departure

published on 17 June 2020 83 -

See the world’s largest containership (24,000 TEU) departing Yantian with a world record number of TEU’s on board (19,621 TEU). Wishing you ‘fair wind and following seas’ HMM Algeciras, through to Suez (25th May) then beyond to Rotterdam (ETA 3rd June), Hamburg (7th June), Antwerp (11th June) & London Gateway (14th June).
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Video Maiden voyage of HMM Algeciras #1-Qingdao

published on 5 June 2020

1st 24,000 TEU vessel, 1st Containers loaded, 1st Port call Qingdao


Video Maiden voyage of HMM Algeciras #2-Busan-berth

published on 10 June 2020

'HMM Algeciras' at its second Asian port destination; HPNT in Busan New Port Steadily filling up around Asian ports prior to her transit westbound towards N. Europe


Video Maiden voyage of HMM Algeciras #3-Busan-loading

published on 10 June 2020

The world's first 24,000 TEU container ship HMM Algeciras made its first domestic call to HPNT in Busan New Port on April 28th. HMM Algeciras loaded a total of 4,500 containers from Busan and headed for China.


Article British Ports Association Eyeing up Autonomous shipping possibilities

published on 26 August 2020

The British Ports Association has launched a new initiative looking at the implications of autonomous shipping for UK ports, including a call for evidence from interested parties. Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) involves the automation of vessel and onboard processes which could alter how ports and ships interface with each other. The BPA which represents the majority of UK port activity including 85% of the shipping movements in and out of the country, is keen to explore what the future developments of shipping will mean for the sector.


Article Electronic Chart Standards: IHO ECDIS and ENC

by - published on 29 October 2019

Found on YouTube:

Tom Mellor - C​hairman of the IHO Electronic Navigational Chart Working Group (ENC WG) and Head of Digital Standards at the UKHO - explains what the IHO's ECDIS and ENC Standards mean.


Article S-100 Charts - New Bathymetry, Surface Current and Tidal Standards

by - published on 14 July 2020

The Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS) wishes to promote the implementation of the new S-100 standards to provide mariners with access to additional information (bathymetry, surface currents and water levels) and greater versatility in the display of these data.


Article Eemslift Hendrika is secured – will be towed to safe harbour

published on 8 April 2021

The Norwegian Coastal Administration mobilized according to their contingency plan against acute pollution, salvage crews managed to get on board the drifting vessel Eemslift Hendrika and managed to connect it to the two tugboats, and the vessel is now being towed to harbour in Ålesund.


Article The Pilot Magazine, Issue 331 by UKMPA

by United Kingdom Maritime Pilots Association - published on 14 December 2021 congratulates the UKMPA on the new design and layout of their new magazine "The Pilot". Really well done!
The Pilot Magazine is the official membership magazine of the United Kingdom Maritime Pilots' Association


Article VR Maritime Training Webinar: Case study into a Virtual Reality (VR) Shiphandling project

published on 28 March 2022

Nautical Institute webinar, 13:00 – 14:30 UTC on Thursday 31st March, 2022.