
Lynx pilot boat

published on 16 July 2020 255 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "Onur Yazcizi".
16mt HSLC CLASS ALUMINIUM PILOT BOAT engineered & build by LYNX.
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Article Progress on the Autonomous Project “The AUTOPLAN” by UZMAR

published on 21 September 2020

The AUTOPLAN (Automatic Navigation Assistance System for Planing and Semi-planing Crafts) project kick-off meeting was held on 10th September 2020 with the participation of the project partners and the consultants: Uzmar Shipyard (Project Coordinator-Turkey), Technical University of Berlin (Germany), Friendship Systems AG (Germany), OES-Offshore Engineering Solutions Inc. (Turkey), Mersin University (Consultant-Turkey), SVA Potsdam (Germany) and Piri Reis University (Consultant-Turkey).


Video Pilot Boat PB1500 by UZMAR

published on 24 June 2020


Video Fantastic mobility in the smallest of spaces: Lynx

published on 10 October 2020

vlissingen 2017


Video PilotVessel "KOON"

published on 19 February 2022

#PilotVessel "KOON"/ On board #BulkCarrierShip "PMS EDELWEISS" at anchor in #ZonaComún #Anchorage #pilots #pilotonboard #RioDeLaPlata #Argentina This video shows, the moment when the Pilot Vessel "KOON", finished with the Boarding Operations in #ZonaComún and She was proceding to #LaPlataHarbour . These images were taken on board the Vessel "PMS EDELWEISS" when she was at anchor awaiting high tide, in Zona Común Anchorage Area #RioDeLaPlata. Bulk Carrier Ship "PMS EDELWEISS" - IMO Number:...


Article Improve comfort, safety and maneuvering with Humphree.

published on 24 September 2020

By using Humphree's trim and stabilization system, you will reduce resistance, fuel consumption and environmental impact. It also means that the best possible performance and stability is achieved.

Humphree USA reports that it has won numerous orders this year for its automatic stabilization technology in the North American pilot boat segment, with nine new boats either delivered or under construction for eight different pilot associations.


Video Pilot Boat "Enggang"

published on 6 April 2021

IMO 9291676. Build in 2003.


Video Maiden voyage of HMM Algeciras #5-Yantian-berth

published on 10 June 2020

HMM Algeciras at Yantian (8th May)
See the world’s largest containership (24,000 TEU) departing Yantian with a world record number of TEU’s on board (19,621 TEU). Wishing you ‘fair wind and following seas’ HMM Algeciras, through to Suez (25th May) then beyond to Rotterdam (ETA 3rd June), Hamburg (7th June), Antwerp (11th June) & London Gateway (14th June)


Article Fewer ships and less pilotage: Kiel Canal suffers from corona crisis like many other waterways

by - published on 26 May 2020

In April, 25 percent fewer ships on the German Kiel Canal (NOK) - and things could get even worse. It seems that the exemplary situation at the NOK certainly affects many other channels in the world in a similar way.