
Harbor Pilots / Pilotage in the Philippines

published on 27 September 2020 590 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "THE OPS MGR".
What does it take to become a Harbor Pilot in the Philippines
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Video The Port Authority of Jamaica | Critical Services - Pilotage

published on 15 April 2021

Pilotage is compulsory in all Jamaican ports and is a necessity for the safe passage and docking of ships entering and leaving the harbours. No ship or vessel can enter our Ports without the #PortAuthorityJa’s pilotage services. #MarinePilots, being the experts in local conditions, are required to assist in the navigation and manoeuvring of vessels in our channels and port areas and are dispatched to all ports in Jamaica on a 24 hour basis. Our #PilotBoatCrew ensures that Marine Pilots are...


Video Transit of the Panama Canal with an XDF LNG Carrier on the Newly expanded locks under pilotage

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Join me as we transit through the Panama Canal from the North-East side to the South-West. An interesting vlog on how an XDF LNG carrier transits through the newly expanded Panama Canal.Find out its history and which vessel and Captain transited the Canal on its opening day on the 15th of August 1914.The interaction with the Pilot Captain Arnulfo Cepetno who assist me on transit the Cocoli locks.


Video La station de pilotage des ports de Casablanca et Jorf-Lasf

published on 16 July 2020

The pilot station of the ports of Casablanca and Jorf-Lasfar operates in accordance with the 1937 Dahir on the reorganization of the pilot station of the port of Casablanca, which regulates all aspects of the organization and operation of the station, including the recruitment of pilots, as well as the pension and relief fund.
With the advent of Law 15/02 in 2005 on port reform, the station spontaneously adhered to it by creating a commercial company in application of article 13 of the said...


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Article A helpful "Dangerous Ladders Tool: The app “NO RUMO CERTO” from Brazil

by Porthos Lima, Brazil - published on 17 January 2020

My name is Porthos Lima and I am the Technical Director of Brazilian Pilots Association. I have been working as a Pilot for 20 years. I am here today to introduce you to our App "No Rumo Certo". The App was inspired in 2017 IMPA SAFETY CAMPAIGN.


Video Dublin Port People - Robbie Cox - Marine Operative on Pilot Boat

published on 29 August 2020

As part of our Port Perspectives series we have captured the perspective of what is like to work in Dublin Port from some key members of our team. This video features Robert Cox, a Marine Operative at Dublin Port Company. Robbie as he is better known provides an insight into his varied role at the Port from operating Pilot Boat Camac, delivering Pilots safely to vessels, to placing fenders at the quay wall no two days are ever the same! Robbie also captures some amazing images of Dublin...


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Video Nautik-Training auf der simulierten Brücke

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Bremen, 24.10.14: How to navigate a ship properly? How do you enter which port? Future captains, but also experienced pilots train in the "Ship Handling Simulator" at Bremen University of Applied Sciences.


Video Pilot Boarding with SWATH Pilot Vessel "Groden", Germany

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PILOTTENDER GRODEN (MMSI: 211545300). Build by Abeking & Rasmussen, Germany