
Old but true story by Nasir Khan about rescued ships pilot by him.

published on 17 May 2021 180 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "Marine-Pilots". Originally published on 2021-05-17.
In Early 2003 Nasir Khan joined as a Chief Officer of General Cargo Vessel .
Vessel route was UAE to Somalia.
They arrive SE Coast of Somalia to discharge at anchorage.

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Nasir Khan Saudi Arabia
on 30 August 2021, 08:44 UTC

Thanks everyone
I like this story please keep watching .


Video Robust pilot boats of Netherlands and Belgium

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These are some of the reliable sturdy Pilot boats of Netherlands and Belgium to bring and pick up Marine Pilots to and from commercial merchant vessels either inbound or outbound. The Marine Pilots are licensed PROFESSIONALS who have a thorough knowledge of a certain port and they guide the Master/Captain of commercial ships in and out of the foreign Seaport. Location: Steenbank Pilot Station, Flushing/Vlissingen Pilot Station, Wandelaar Pilot Station. Boats in order of appearance in this...


Video Marine pilot by helicopter // A whale in rough weather // Berthing in Durban port

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Hope you all would like the content…
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Article Swift Action By UK Maritime Pilots Avoids Blocking Southampton Water

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Video Maritime Training: Pilot Ladders: Safe Rigging Procedures

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Pilot transfer operations always involve risk, even when conditions are favorable. Learn the essential safety procedures involved in this operation.
Visit to purchase the full-length version.


Article MAIB releases report into grounding and recovery of Thea II in Humber Estuary

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Article Support hashtag #MarinePilots

by - published on 4 September 2019

To better bundle all articles and messages about Marine / Maritime Pilots I would like to suggest the Hashtag #MARINEPILOTS. We can use it well here on LinkedIn, but also for other social media like Twitter.


Video Milford Pilots during lock down (Pilot Movie 3)

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milford pilots during lock down