Getting that nice fat lady alongside
Getting that nice fat lady alongside
Video Kittiwake Mersey Pilot
published on 22 December 2021
Video Las Palmas Practicos
published on 25 April 2022
Video Great insight: Panama Canal Transit
published on 4 November 2021
Video Meet Jon, Marine Pilot at Port Authority of NSW
published on 18 December 2023
Video How not to climb down a Pilot Ladder
published on 1 July 2020
The video was found on some social media channels in June 2020. When so many elementary mistakes are made and so many risks are taken, this is exactly what can happen! It's a demonstrative example of an unprofessional action: 1) Where is the life jacket? 2) No backpack on the shoulders. Use a rope to have the backpack lifted by the deck crew. 3) Where is the rest of the crew (on vessel / on the small boat) for safe assistance? What other mistakes have you discovered? We do not put videos...
Video KM Cakra Kembar Satu | Sandar | Pelabuhan tanjung emas
published on 17 April 2020
Teman2 berikut video referensi proses sandar di pelabuhan tanjung emas semarang, setiap pelaut/pandu punya trik tersendiri saat melakukan olah gerak kapal, jadi teman2 bisa menjadikan video ini referensi untuk olah gerak kapal, kritik dan saran2 yang membangun saya tunggu di komentar ya teman2...