
A Day in the Life of a Marine Pilot - Sipho Mnisi

published on 26 October 2021 158 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "Transnet Npa". Originally published on 2021-10-22.
We continue to spotlight our marine services employees this #TransportMonth. Come spend A Day in the Life of Sipho Mnisi, Marine Pilot at the Port of Durban.

#MarinePilot #PortofDurban #ADayIntheLifeof #TransportMonth #SenzaKwenzeke #TransnetNPA
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Video Marine pilot by helicopter // A whale in rough weather // Berthing in Durban port

published on 25 October 2021

In this video we would like to share our experience while berthing in port Durban … weather was rough .. witnessed a whale enjoying in big waves .. a doctor came onboard for covid test … received pilot by helicopter and so on …
Hope you all would like the content…
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Article Rope snapped: Marine Pilot accident in Durban, South Africa.

by - published on 29 April 2020

A 35-year-old male sea pilot of the Transnet National Ports Authority (TNPA) fell into the sea from a crude oil tanker near the N Shed Wharf in the port of Durban. A rope of the pilot ladder is said to have snapped for an undetermined reason when the man disembarked while leaving the crude oil tanker which was leaving the port of Durban.


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Video Marine Pilot at work in the port of Hamburg

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Eine umfangreiche Reportage zu den Kanalsteurern gibt es hier:


Article Marine Accident Investigation Branch (UK): Report 2020

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