
Maritime Pilot at work in the Port of Hamburg

published on 6 October 2022 326 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "Svenne99". Originally published on 2022-10-04.
How do maritime pilots work? In short term team!

In this video - recorded with zoom - you can watch an electronic chart display and compare it to the view out of the front windows. As well you can listen to some orders the pilot gives to the seaman at the helm (wheel) and to the officer at the engine telegraph. Some orders are by radio to the tugs.

In the end of the video the camera of the pilot is positioned in the portside bridge wing of the 247mx32m vessel while going alongside. A pilot or ship's master luckily is able to not only look out of the front window or in only one direction, but throu every window of the bridge. As well we are tracking a lot of digital and analog information from bridge equipment like radar, ECDIS, echosounders, AIS, radios. Communication e.g. with other traffic-ships, with tugs, linesmen and the bridgeteam is essential for a good pilotage.

This video seems to be slow and boring for non maritime people, but doing the job in a good way needs a lot of experience and knowledge. And it's the very the best job in the world when you believe you're not bad doing it and when you receive thanks and respect from captains or other members of the short term bridge, maritime and maneouvring team.

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PILOT Devan Pulliah IMPA - International Maritime Pilots’ Association, South Africa
on 13 October 2022, 11:46 UTC

Great manouvre in confined spaces...can only imagine when the weather is bad....


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