Article Safehaven Marine to build a second S.A.R. Interceptor 48 for the Faroe Islands Rescue Service
by - published on 16 June 2020
Safehaven Marine have signed contracts with the Faroe Islands Rescue Service for an Interceptor 48
‘self-righting’ S.A.R. (Search and Rescue craft.) This is the second S.A.R. Interceptor 48 we have
supplied to the Faroe Islands following ‘Sverri’ in 2013, which has worked very well in the
challenging North Atlantic seas they face off the Islands, with her crew being totally confident with
her seakeeping abilities, performance and reliability during rescue operations over the last 7 years.
Video Laju Pilot Boat , Amamapare Timika
published on 14 August 2020
kali ini kita belum mancing, namun di video kali ini kita akan berbagai pengalaman, bagaimana laju PILOT BOAT melaju di Port AMAMAPARE .
pada dasarya, Pilot boat yaitu di fungsikan untuk melayani PILOT atau Pandu....meski demikian Alhamdulillah, kali ini kita di berikan kesempatan untuk menaikinya,,,,MANTAP
Article Safehaven Marine developing new 2022 ‘All Weather’, self-righting pilot boat.
published on 30 June 2022
Article Marine Log November 2022 Edition: Focus on Workboats
published on 15 November 2022
Video Port of Waterford new pilot launch vessel "Port Láirge", handed over at Dunmore East November 2021
published on 27 November 2021
Article New ProZero P-Top Model Launched
by - published on 30 April 2020
Tuco Marine Group has added the new 9,3-meter P-top design to the ProZero series.. The low-weight, semi-open design results in a faster workboat that has a larger operational range and extended working time on sea. The P-top features a protective P-top console solution and flexible seating arrangements which can accommodate up to 12 passengers or a full deck cargo.
Article New performance standard for pilot transfer arrangements
by IMPA - International Maritime Pilots’ Association - published on 14 June 2024
This week, the International Maritime Organization Sub-Committee responsible for developing amendments to SOLAS regulation V/23 and associated instruments (NCSR 11) finalized a new performance standard for pilot transfer arrangements, which is expected to be made mandatory by SOLAS and apply to new and existing SOLAS and non-SOLAS ships from 1 January 2028.