
Send us links of interesting articles

by - published on 21 August 2019 98 -

We at have already researched and entered many interesting articles for our community, so that we already have many things worth reading on our site.

We need your help from the whole community:
If you find interesting articles on LinkedIn or on the internet, please send this link to

It's even better if you wrote an interesting article yourself or made great photos or video recordings that you would like to make permanently accessible to the large Marine Pilots Community via our web portal. You will always be named as the author of your content!

You can revoke your approval for your content at any time if you feel uncomfortable with

For example you will soon find the authentic and emotional experience report of Pilot Capt. Umar about his fall from the pilot ladder into the water on

Let's make our Marine Pilot community great!
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Article Support hashtag #MarinePilots

by - published on 4 September 2019

To better bundle all articles and messages about Marine / Maritime Pilots I would like to suggest the Hashtag #MARINEPILOTS. We can use it well here on LinkedIn, but also for other social media like Twitter.


Article The difficulty of finding marine pilot-specific information on the Internet

by - published on 4 November 2019

Who is a pilot and how do I find information about this great job on the Internet?


Article Login, comment function and new logo online

by Frank Diegel - published on 17 February 2020 has launched some new important features: Marine Pilots can register to our website and comment articles and videos now. And take a look at the new logo.


Article Greek Navy minehunting vessel cut in half during collision with Maersk Launceston

by - published on 30 October 2020

Ex-RN minehunter (former HMS Berkeley) serving with Greek navy as HS Kallisto cut in half during collision with Maersk containership, Maersk Launceston, a Portuguese-flagged container ship.


Article Trusteddocks: Bottleneck at Shipyards and Resulting Price Increases Ahead

by GmbH - published on 30 June 2020

This market intelligence allows all interested parties to measure the shipyards industry and to follow flows in demand and supply, enabling shipping companies’ management to make informed, fact-based decisions on docking requirements.


Video Maritime Analytics: The breadth of AIS usage | 10 November 2021

published on 15 November 2021

The growing influence of AIS data and analytics has shed the light on the increasing demand for new, smarter solutions in the maritime domain. During this interactive session, we discuss with AIS industry experts how we can take oceans of data and turn it into streams of actionable intelligence for better decision-making and more efficient and transparent shipping.


Article IMPA received the 2022 SAFETY4SEA Initiative Award

published on 20 October 2022

IMPA received the 2022 SAFETY4SEA Initiative Award for conducting annually its ‘Pilot Ladder Safety Campaign’ with the objective of reporting pilots’ experiences of ladders and boarding equipment to the IMO and the wider shipping community.


Opinion Fathom Safety: "A Guide to Pilot Ladder Securing"

by Frank Diegel - published on 7 October 2020

Fathom Safety was established as a not for profit organisation dedicated to improving maritime pilot transfer safety. Here is a guide to pilot ladder rigging. We hope you like it!


Video Loodswezen Polaris - Video made with drone.

published on 10 November 2020

Footage of the "Pilot Station Vessel" POLARIS of the Dutch Pilot Organisation, made with a DJI Phantom Drone, controlled with a FPV (First Person View), and equipped with a GoPro Hero 3 camera.
The location is Maascenter, an important navigation point for ships entering the Port of Rotterdam in the Netherlands.
Date: 15 may 2014. Music: Skrillex - Scary Monsters & Nice Sprites.


Article Roberto Bunicci new President of Fedepiloti

published on 26 October 2022

Commander Roberto Bunicci, chief pilot of the Port of Ravenna's Pilots' Guild and already Vice President in office, is the new President of the Italian Federation of Port Pilots.