
Found on Twitter (@Themaritimepilot)

published on 4 May 2020 268 -

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Video Pilot on Board

published on 8 February 2021

Receiving Harbour Pilot before going alongside- Fujairah UAE


Video Harbor Pilot Disembarks a Containership

published on 6 July 2019

A Virginia Pilot Association harbor pilot disembarks the U.S. flag containership Maersk Atlanta before the ship sails north along the U.S. East Coast.
Featured in this video is the Virginia Pilots' brand new pilot boat, Hampton Roads.


Video Winch pilot' training - Coast Guard Video

published on 29 November 2022

In the video shared, made by the Coast Guard communication department during the training days held at the Decimomannu and Pescara bases, some of the phases of the training, such as take-off-departure and 'winching' the pilot on board, are illustrated in sequence.


Video Another non-compliant trap door arrangement

published on 4 October 2021

Some pilots have already lost their lives because of this non-compliant construction. We don't want to see such an arrangement again. Here is a latest video from the Middle East.


Article GPS (Part 3) - Accidental interferences and intended Interferences by extern technical sytems

by Capt. Gunter Schütze, Thailand/Germany - published on 6 May 2020

The vulnerability of GNSS in shore-based use is definitely different and to be regarded as much more risky than on the high seas.


Article Associated British Ports (ABP) has welcomed the first of nine new pilot launch vessels from Goodchild Marine Services.

published on 22 July 2021

Earlier this year ABP announced an investment of around £9 million to build nine new pilot boats. These vessels were ordered from Goodchild Marine Services Limited and are being built in Norfolk along with much of the supply chain coming from East Anglian suppliers.


Opinion AIMPA - The need and it´s Ideals

by Capt. Gajanan Karanjikar - Founder President - AIMPA - published on 12 February 2021

The formation of the All India Marine Pilot Association was a task which was required at any cost. The hurdles of Morale ground were noticed and one such organization was then decided to be formed by Group of Mariners who care for ’safety and security’ of the Pilot.


Video Operation "Icebreaker" in Port of Quebec, Canada

published on 28 February 2020

Accelerated icebreaking operation of Pier 28 in the Estuary sector, involving Ocean Group's tugs.


Video EfficientFlow - STM in ports and narrow waters

published on 22 September 2020

Improved traffic flow converts waiting times into increased safety and bunker savings for large ships in the narrow Swedish and Finnish archipelagos.
Found on YouTube. Created by "Sjöfartsverket".
In the STM EfficientFlow project, the Baltic ports of Rauma and Gävle implement efficient port calls using real-time information. Improved traffic flow converts waiting times into increased safety and bunker savings for large ships in the narrow Swedish and Finnish archipelagos.