
Southern Ports Pilots Gaining Its ISPO Accreditation

published on 21 December 2021 68 -

The International Users Group of ISPO certified pilot organizations (IUG) congratulates Southern Ports pilots on gaining its ISPO accreditation.

Lloyd’s Register conducted external audits of the Southern Ports operations and procedures, and its Integrated Management System fulfilled the requirements of the ISPO Code. Southern Ports is the custodian of the three ports of Albany, Bunbury and Esperance, connecting Western Australia to the rest of the world. As a Government Trading Enterprise, Southern Ports is responsible for the efficient and effective management of these ports, with a focus on creating strong regional ports to support strong regions.

Southern Ports Chief Operating Officer Keith Wilks said achieving ISPO accreditation was a great achievement for the organisation. “Our pilots operate in diverse environments,” Mr Wilks said. “ISPO accreditation recognises the high standard our pilots have, their experience and commitment to their work.” “The IPSO accreditation process has allowed us to reflect on our processes, reaffirm our commitment to safety and has provided a strong framework for continuous improvement.”
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