Job Offer

Trainee Marine Pilot

published on 23 November 2023 2610 -

Port of Portland Pty Ltd
Portland, Victoria, Australia

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Article #dangerousladders - Using social media to improve pilot transfer safety.

by Kevin Vallance deep sea pilot and author - published on 12 December 2019

It remains a sad fact that accidents and near misses continue to occur during pilot transfers with frightening regularity. Most of these fortunately do not result in injury, and a surprisingly high number of them are not even recognised for what they are.

Surveys into pilot ladder safety consistently reveal that unacceptably high numbers of pilot transfer arrangements are not compliant with the regulations.


Video Humber Marine Pilots by Correspondent Sarah Corker

published on 10 September 2020

For as long as ships have been sailing the seas, there have been maritime pilots to guide them through the most dangerous waterways. But there is a worldwide shortage of seafarers and the industry is struggling to attract young people into the profession. Our Business Correspondent Sarah Corker has been given rare access to film with pilots on the Humber Estuary who work 365 days a year, whatever the weather. And a warning, Sarah’s report may make you feel sea sick.


Article Captain Tim Murray Memorial Fundraiser

by - published on 8 August 2020

Anthony Arena and Bill Bartsch organize this fundraising. found this campaign on Facebook.


Article NTSB Reports on Collision between Baxter Southern Tow and BNSF Coal Train

published on 19 September 2022

The National Transportation Board said Thursday that a Mississippi River towing vessel’s pilot and its captain pushed its tow up against a riverbank too close to a railroad track, leading to a collision and train derailment near Galland, Iowa.


Article Southern Ports Pilots Gaining Its ISPO Accreditation

published on 21 December 2021

The International Users Group of ISPO certified pilot organizations (IUG) congratulates Southern Ports pilots on gaining its ISPO accreditation.


Video TasPorts | Marine Pilots and Marine Operatives

published on 15 November 2020

Have you ever wanted to watch a marine pilot in action? Last night, TasPorts was delighted to offer up for auction a pilot boat experience to support Cancer Council Tasmania's 25th Anniversary Gala in Launceston. A second experience will be offered at the Cancer Council Tasmania Gala in Hobart next month. Both events raise funds to support Tasmanians dealing with cancer through advocacy, prevention, support and research. This video was filmed in 2018 (pre-COVID), was broadcast at last...


Video Pilot boarding Supmar Pilot Boat 16m

published on 11 November 2020

Em operação


Video Port Podcast: Sailing the Seas: A Conversation with Gary Joyce from Saint John Pilot Boats

published on 25 January 2024

In this episode, we embark on a maritime journey with Gary Joyce, a seasoned professional from Saint John Pilot Boats, part of the Atlantic Pilotage Authority. Gary generously shares his wealth of experience in the industry, offering insights into his fascinating career path and how he found himself navigating the waters of marine piloting.
Join us as we explore the day-to-day life of a Marine Pilot, showcasing the intricacies of their responsibilities and gaining a glimpse into what a...


Article Serious injury to pilot on class 2 vessel in poor weather conditions

by Australian Maritime Safety Authority - published on 2 December 2021

AMSA: A pilot was seriously injured after losing balance when a large wave impacted the vessel at the same time as they stood up to remove their lifejacket while in the cabin.


Video Pilot boat (in Germany?)

published on 20 March 2022