Job Offer

Executive Marine Pilot

published on 18 December 2023 803 -

Port Nelson Limited
Port Nelson, New Zealand

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Video Boarding a ship Pilot San Francisco Bay

published on 31 August 2021

Here we board the container ship President Kennedy, inbound for the San Francisco Bay.
More content on Instagram @sea_weathered


Video Bulkcarrier HEIDE OLDENDORFF to EECV jetty in Europoort, Port of Rotterdam

published on 1 March 2023

On a windy morning, the incoming bulker HEIDE OLDENDORFF transited the Eurochannel underway to the EECV jetty west side, at 18 meters draft. With the assistance of FairPlay Towage, KRVE linesmen, and the excellent crew of the ship, we had. Very pleasant voyage.


Opinion Pilot transfer arrangements - Sharing knowledge matters – but problems go beyond non-compliance to SOLAS itself

by Kevin Vallance deep sea pilot and author - published on 23 September 2020

Like many seafarers I have long been a keen follower of The Nautical Institute’s MARS programme, and along with many other members I listened to the recent webinar on that topic. One theme which was repeated more than once was that it is better to learn from someone else’s misfortune rather than have it happen to you. Having personally been involved in two near misses resulting from unsafe pilot transfer arrangements in a relatively short space of time, I asked how experiences and knowledge specifically about pilot ladder safety could best be promulgated to avoid repeating common accidents or near misses.


Video Pilot Boat Hayasui

published on 3 October 2020



Video Every Climb is Life or Death - What do maritime pilots do?

published on 20 March 2022

Interesting video by "JeffHK" from Hong Kong about the job of a maritime pilot.


Article Sea Pilots From 24 Nations at EMPA General Meeting In Antwerp

published on 9 May 2022

Representatives of sea pilots from 24 nations organized in the European Maritime Pilots Association held their general meeting in Antwerp.


Video 2019: "Ever Given" Allided with Berthed Ferry "Finkenwerder" in Hamburg

published on 28 March 2021

On 9 February 2019, near the Port of Hamburg, the EVER GIVEN struck the 25-metre HADAG ferry Finkenwerder, moored at the Blankenese jetty, and severely damaged it. Two minutes after the collision, a ban was imposed on sailing on the Elbe due to strong winds.


Video Pilot Boat Singapore

published on 6 December 2020


Video 8 Hours in Kaohsiung, Taiwan

published on 6 July 2019

Follow me as I travel around the world working on a container ship!
The mega container ship is alongside Kaohsiung for one day, I had 8 hours off between my watch, so i took the opportunity to explore Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Brought along my drone to take some shots at the beautiful architecture that Taiwan has to offer.