Job Offer

Marine Pilot - Esperance

published on 12 March 2024 943 -

Southern Ports Authority
Esperance, Australia

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Video Panama Canal: cargo ship catches fire

published on 31 January 2023

In a press release, the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) informed that it was the container ship CAPE KORTIA, in maneuvers towards the port of PSA. The fire occurred in the ship's engine room.


Video The Maritime Blockade of Ukraine | What's Going on With Shipping?

published on 1 June 2022

The Maritime Blockade of Ukraine What's Going on With Shipping? April 22, 2022 In this episode, Sal Mercogliano - former merchant mariner and maritime historian at Campbell University - discusses the ongoing maritime blockade of Ukraine. He assesses some recent commentary and analysis on the naval operation, including the sinking of Moskva, and the commercial implications of the war in the Black Sea. #Ukraine #Russia #BlackSea #Moskva #Blockade #trade #commerce #logistics #supplychain...


Video Discussion on Wind effect - drifting with no propulsion, only thrusters

published on 11 July 2020

Theory on Wind drift will be shown together with demos using SAMMON planning on the effect of thrusters to have some effect on drift speed & direction


Video Lynx pilot boat

published on 16 July 2020

16mt HSLC CLASS ALUMINIUM PILOT BOAT engineered & build by LYNX.


Video GIDAS - GNSS Interference Detection & Analysis System

published on 29 April 2021

OHB Digital Solutions GmbH develops systems for monitoring the GNSS frequency bands as well as detection, classification and localization of intentional or unintentional interference sources. Many stakeholders and applications as well as critical infrastructure providers are relying on GNSS to provide their services. Since Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) are widely used in safety and value critical applications, GIDAS detects, classifies and localizes any GNSS interference...


Article Safehaven Marine launch new 15m Interceptor 48 pilot ‘Svitzer Oued Martil’ for Svitzer and pilotage operations at TM2 Med Tangier, Morocco

published on 16 March 2021

Safehaven Marine have just launched a new pilot vessel for Svitzer. ‘Svitzer Oued Martil’ is a new 15m Interceptor 48 Pilot for pilotage operations in Tangier,Morocco and is the third pilot boat we have supplied to Svitzer in Tangier, with the first and second pilot 48’s working successfully the past 3 years and represents Safehaven’s 47th pilot vessel delivered Worldwide.


Video Maritime Tribute to HM Queen Elizabeth II On the River Mersey

published on 19 September 2022

All working vessels on the River Mersey gathered in front of the Three Graces – Liver Building, Cunard Building and the Port of Liverpool Building. The formation included pilot launch boats, RNLI Lifeboats, river tugs, Mersey Ferries and the Disney Magic cruise liner. They all blew their whistles in tribute to The Sovereign, who passed away last week. River tugs will perform Fleur De Lis – spraying water from their fire cannons. Vessels currently within Liverpool and Wirral dock systems,...


Video Conventional vs. Automated Mooring Of Cargo Ships

published on 26 January 2021

Everyone said, "You can't do that!" Until someone came along who didn't know that. Then he did it:
What do you think about this mooring solution?


Video Out for a ride on the Pilot Boat Pacific Chinook for some sea trials.

published on 26 June 2021

Awesome pictures with a drone. Prince Rupert, Canada


Video Bulk Carrier Ship ERIETTA/ #PilotBoat SEA MASTER/ Embarking Maneuver

published on 9 November 2021

Bulk Carrier Ship "ERIETTA" / Pilot Boat "SEA MASTER" / Embarking Maneuvering of Rio de la Plata Pilots #pilotonboard #Prácticos.-  #BoardingPoint #JP #Recalada #RioDeLaPlata #Argentina 23.09.2020 This video was filmed on board Pilot Vessel "SEA MASTER" and shows the moments when the Pilot Boat was proceeding to the #BoardingStation #JP #Recalada #RioDeLaPlata to the vessel "ERIETTA", to start with the Embarking Maneuvering of the #RioDeLaPlataPilots Special appreciation to the Master of...