
Example of a Passage Plan used by Portsmouth Pilots, UK

by Tim Cummins, Portsmouth, UK - published on 10 February 2021 749 -

This is an uncontrolled example of the latest passage plan used by the Pilot Service at Portsmouth International Port.

Created by me, I used Annex G of the UK Government's 'A Guide to Good Practice on Port Marine Operations' as my initial starting point. I then searched for and reviewed as many publicly available passage plans from major port operators across the World to gauge the industry standard and for inspiration.

And, this is the result. However, this is now version 5. This passage plan is reviewed as I receive feedback from users, or recognised that parts can be improved for added safety, or enhance Master-Pilot information exchange or I see another good example of a port passage plan for ideas.
Click on Image for Download
Click on Image for Download
Click on Image for Download
Click on Image for Download
Please note, the nautical charts are copyrighted but the port has an agreement to use them in their passage plans in print and for online publication.

If you wish to discuss with me about this passage plan please message me directly.
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hassan mohammadi Persian Gulf Pilot Maritime Services Co., Iran
on 11 February 2021, 14:19 UTC

It is better to place a schematic image of the ship somewhere in the passage plan and draw the exact position of the tugs on it in each operation.


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