Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eget ante tristique, finibus tortor et, posuere quam. Duis purus risus, pharetra nec lacinia ut, vehicula et nisl. Etiam a ornare est. Mauris sit amet nisl vitae eros ornare fringilla. Donec ut vulputate nibh. Sed luctus auctor dui, non iaculis elit fringilla in. Duis quis magna tempor elit tristique sagittis ut in turpis. Mauris quis orci interdum, dictum erat nec, gravida nisi. Suspendisse vel lorem arcu.
Video M+ Maritime I ECDIS Safety Settings | Full Video | Episode 1
published on 11 July 2020
M+ releases the 1st video of ECDIS competency series on “Safety Settings” presented by Safe Lanes. Use them for training crew, enhance safety standards & professional knowledge. Stay tuned for our upcoming series on ECDIS competency, Anchor losses, Incidents, PCS & vetting preparations & Human Elements training. These “first of it's kind” learning videos are based on PSC & vetting observations to provide solutions & enhance your professional competency. Pls feel free to connect to get a...
Video How SHIP Navigate Through Ice (Part-1, Maneuvering)
published on 29 May 2021
This is part -1 (Maneuvering) In near future more parts will be added to the playslist. In person Appearing - Captain Thomas Madsen Chief officer,Aresh Daruwala Harbour Pilot, ST. Petersburg Company Credit - WWW.Maersk.com Location - Saint Petersburg, Russia Vessel - Venta Maersk Calender - (JANUARY - APRI), 2021 Music credit - Stock Music Filmora All video was shot on GoPro Hero 9 Edited through Adobe Light Room & Wondershare Filmora Subscribe...
Video Safehaven Marine Interceptor 48 pilot boat for the Gdynia Pilots in Poland
published on 6 July 2020
Article Port of Southampton holds naming ceremony for pilot launch Mayflower
published on 25 May 2022
Article ARANSAS PILOT III – Pilot Boat for Port Aransas, Texas
by Baird Maritime - published on 2 September 2022
Video Traveling on Crude Oil Tanker Seaways Yellowstone In The Gulf Of Mexico Open Sea to Port Aransas
published on 24 January 2023
Take a narrated journey with me on a large crude oil tanker ship. Starting from sea to taking pilot, entering the Port Aransas Jetties, to ending all fast and moored at dock near Corpus Christi Texas. In the video I film the Pilot Boarding the vessel while underway. Link To New Ships YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPACsIutgWlmrhrJ6JCmCIg For inquiries info@thirdcoastdrone.com Web https://www.thirdcoastdrone.com Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Third-...
Video Pilot Boat ENDEAVOUR: Pilot Transfer to cruise ship
published on 18 May 2021
https://youtu.be/8MpCG4UBWsY https://youtu.be/708ZcxWOTc4 Watch keeping ke liye tarbook kaise bhare 👇🏻 https://youtu.be/XpW0raYH50M Subscribe my youtube channel for more attractive videos & for merchant navy status videos #like #share #subscribe ⛵follow me on Instagram⚓ ⛵@attitude_boy_aditya⚓ ⛵@sailor.satish⚓ ⛵follow me on twitter⚓ ⛵@PiyushP54163356⚓ ⛵@SATISHP89963705⚓ https://youtu.be/2s2SeYl2PY0 https://youtu.be/KyEHR5amyY8 https://youtu.be/27PVpAXF3xE https://youtu.be/xfRw5frx4I8 https:/...