Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eget ante tristique, finibus tortor et, posuere quam. Duis purus risus, pharetra nec lacinia ut, vehicula et nisl. Etiam a ornare est. Mauris sit amet nisl vitae eros ornare fringilla. Donec ut vulputate nibh. Sed luctus auctor dui, non iaculis elit fringilla in. Duis quis magna tempor elit tristique sagittis ut in turpis. Mauris quis orci interdum, dictum erat nec, gravida nisi. Suspendisse vel lorem arcu.
Video Golden Brilliant to EMO terminal, Mississippihaven in Port of Rotterdam
published on 2 September 2020
Today, the MV GOLDEN BRILLIANT, a 225 m long bulk carrier came in at sunrise, underway to EMO terminal, Mississippihaven in Port of Rotterdam. We were assisted by two tugboats, the BUGSIER 12 and MULTRATUG 3. It was cold and very windy, but the Philippino crew dit an outstanding job! The only way to say goodbye these days is the much acclaimed “ Corona Handshake” to master and crew.
Video ZIM inward to Kingston Jamaica with ECDIS
published on 13 November 2020
Video Goodchild Marine Services ORC 171 Pilot Boat
published on 23 July 2021
Video Marine Pilot pick up
published on 10 January 2023
#pelautindonesia #pilotboat #pandu #harbourtug Assalamu’alaikum wr wb.. Halo halo…?? Berjumpa lagi sama saya guys akbar peaut indonesia, gimana kabar kalian semuanya ? Semoga di berikan kesehatan ya guys. Aamiin. Ok guys, ini adalah video mengenai proses penjemputan bapak pandu dari vessel bulk carrier ALPHA LAGECY oleh MOTOR PILOT BOAT untuk vessel ini memimiliki panjang 229 meter guys,kapal ini baru di sandarkan oleh 3 pala tunda. vessel Alpha Lagecy berasal dari negari asing guys...
Video Intoxicated Pilot Aboard HMM Boxship Hits Dock at Kaohsiung
published on 22 March 2023
A containership arriving in Taiwan hit the berth after traveling in excess of the harbor speed according to reports from the port authority and Taiwan’s Maritime and Port Bureau. They are confirming media reports that the pilot assigned to the vessel was legally intoxicated at the time of the incident.
Video Training of the Elbe pilots - documentary (in german)
published on 6 November 2020
Die Lotsenbrüderschaft Elbe ist ein geschlossener Kreis, der sich nicht gern in die Karten schauen lässt. Wer dort Mitglied werden und bis zu 400 Meter lange Containerpötte in den Hamburger Hafen steuern möchte, muss hohe Anforderungen erfüllen. Bewerber müssen mehrere Jahre lang zur See gefahren sein, um ausreichend Fahrpraxis zu haben. Aber es gibt immer weniger deutsche Seeleute, weil die Reeder billigere Kräfte aus dem Ausland bevorzugen. Dadurch wird es zunehmend schwierig,...
Video Northbound
published on 14 October 2024
Article IMPA Safety Campaign 2021
published on 9 September 2021
Video Track of Ever Forward before grounding on Mar 14 2022
published on 15 July 2022
Video Life of Reef Pilot - Capt. Vikram Hede
published on 23 May 2023
My background Why does a ship need a marine pilot How did we get here b.w.o training and qualification? Background history of Reef Pilots Info on different pilot stations within the Great Barrier Reef Torres Straits with its complex tides Our commute to work - boat & helicopter videos Different types of ships, cargoes and nationalities trading within the Great Barrier Reef Work life onboard.... the good, the bad and the ugly Some trivia and fun facts about mariners’ life at sea